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9 Fledgling

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About IcyFlame

  • Birthday January 2

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Mt. Silver, facing off with Red
  • Interests
    I'm making a Pokemon Fangame, so I'm into coding. I also like anime, trivia, art, and music!
    Fire, Ice, and Flying Types are my favorite.

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  1. Ok, so, everyone who's making a fangame, listen up. I've decided to drop my fangame project, BUT, I stillhave a gimmick created, and I have ideas.I would like to join someones project, as like an idea giver. Plus, if you want it, you can have my Awakening Mode gimmick. Please let me know! Preferably, I would like to join one taking place in the RCU (Reborn Cinematic Universe, lol)! 

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Ok, so, I can ask my "Partner" (We're making different games in the "RCU" that have a lot to do with each other) if you can join us. We have a little Personal Message Thread together for quite some time now. 

      Restarting/quitting a fangame can be hard. I myself have restarted completely 5 times already.

    2. IcyFlame
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