So I managed to finish the victory road and I used the following team
Blaziken , hydreigon, A-raichu ,
A- ninetales , primarina , scizor .
I still need to ev train many of my mons but i am not sure wether I should use the same team or change it
The mons my pc are as follows
Mega swampert, greninja , empoleon ,serperior , mega sceptile , torterra ,mega metagross, lycanroc dusk ,roserade , gliscor , dragonite , noivern , sylveon , mega altaria , mega ampharos , excadrill , gigalith , galvantula , abomasnow , honchkrow , zorark, drapion , cinccino and silvally.
These are the mons I generally use for rotation but now I am confused becuase I enjoy using most of them
I am open to any suggestion and ready to catch any other mon as well
Please help me here
Thanks !!