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  1. Hey sorry to bother, thought I'd try to be the first clear of rock. What form of proof is necessary for fights pre elite 4 and what specific fights would you need proof of? I haven't bothered recording rivals or meteor, but I'm not sure if you wanted proof of those fights. Thanks!
  2. Hi! It's my first time playing Reborn, and whilst I haven't had too much difficulty with the game, its mostly been from googling the bosses and going to extreme lengths to counter them (I beat Titania with a Gigalith and 5 Excadrills lol). But now I have access to every Pokemon in the game I really want to create an independently powerful team that I can use to beat most bosses (albeit with some minor team changes, trial and error, and a healthy dose of F12). I'm not great at teambuilding but here's what I have so far: Metagross @ Light Clay Ability: Clear Body Impish Nature 252 HP / 252 Sp.Def / 6 Def Reflect Light Screen Ally Switch Iron Head / Stealth Rock Azumarill @ Choice Band / Waterium Z Ability: Huge Power Adamant Nature 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def Aqua Jet Play Rough Superpower Liquidation / Belly Drum Mawile @ Mawilite Ability: Intimidate Adamant Nature 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Sp.Def Iron Head Sucker Punch Swords Dance Play Rough / Fire Punch Naganadel @ Life Orb / Firium Z Ability: Beast Boost Timid Nature 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed / 6 Def Nasty Plot Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse Sludge Wave Flamethrower Serperior @ Leftovers Ability: Contrary Timid Nature 252 HP / 252 Speed / 6 Sp.Atk Leaf Storm Glare HP Fire Dragon Pulse As you can probably tell, the general idea is for Metagross to get up 1 or 2 screens and then teleport out into any one of the 4 threatening set up sweepers I have in the back. To be honest I've never played a difficult Pokémon game before so all of this is fairly new to me. I suppose a fire or ground resist would be nice, or some kind of cleric, so I was thinking something like Dragonite or Umbreon might work. I honestly have no clue, please let me know if you have any criticisms or recommendations!
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