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  1. It says "What's on your mind?" and I say why do you care you're nothing but a bar with an update botton next to it.

    1. Amethyst


      It's a very humanistic bar with an update button next to it, thank you!

    2. Godot


      that update bar looks like a sword to me, so hence the bar is an emo bar, meaning it has emotions, which results to the bar being humanistic, no? also when you clicked that update button you prob kill that poor bar

  2. Saya why is it I can see you being the house wife that plans all the little events for either the community or your children? Oh wait you're already doing that. You know besides the house wife role. I will attend for the mere reason that Mashew wants to go.... with me. Other than that why do I also feel you are going to make this go out of hand? Saya remember don't bite off more than you can chew.
  3. As close as realistically accurate of what I look like. Ame and Saya know the problem I have with showing my face.
  4. Decided to put this here since I don't quite know where else it would belong. Tags are very popular in DeviantArt, where believe it or not I spend lots of my time. Though sometimes they are annoying you learn about the people. I found this one and though it was interesting, though it will only probably a one time thing. Since once you've done it, you've done it. 1) Answer the questions below 2) Take each answer and type it into dA search box [url="http://www.deviantart.com"]DeviantArt[/url] 3) Take a deviation from the first page of results (may use ' popular' or 'newest' ) and post thumb or link with answer as link 4) You can't copy the persons answers who posted this before you Exception: are age, towns, and first job. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The age you will be on your next birthday: [url="http://th03.deviantart.net/fs50/PRE/f/2009/322/5/a/5a54812d2f53b32137e512bd55af91d8.jpg"]20[/url] 2. A place you'd like to travel: [url="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs22/i/2008/004/1/c/japan_by_atelierkei.jpg"]Japan[/url] 3. Your favorite place: [url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/211/9/4/94fe1e95f77e40f7ac852f4720653f36.jpg"]Ocean[/url] 4. Your favorite object: [url="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/099/a/f/New_Laptop_Owner_by_JohnSu.png"]Laptop[/url] 5. Favorite food: [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/065/0/8/pasta_makes_the_world_go_round_by_fhrankee.jpg"]PASTA![/url] 6. Your favorite animal: [url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/278/3/4/Koi_Mermaid_by_Bamfette.jpg"]Koi Fish[/url] 7. Your favorite color: [url="http://th05.deviantart.net/fs36/PRE/f/2008/250/f/1/f1533a4bbee17ae88ea9583e75dc976b.jpg"]Red[/url] 8. The town/state/etc in which you live: [url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2008/324/c/0/Laramie__WY_by_Darkroges.jpg"]Laramie[/url] 9. Name of past pet: [url="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/053/1/7/nyu___lucy_by_a_underground-d3a5xd2.jpg"]Lucy....[/url] 10. A dream come true: [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs37/i/2011/012/6/1/love__by_abbina-d10450l.jpg"]Bring with the one I love [/url](Yes I typed that all out on DA) 11. Your nickname/screenname: [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/211/a/0/Kazeshini_DP_by_cystemic.jpg"]Kazeshini[/url] 12. Middle name: [url="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/258/6/4/happy_birthday_my_love_by_jugum-d2ytjdf.jpg"]Nateh [/url](not to comfortable with giving you all my middlename) 13. Favorite Smell: [url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/335/e/4/Rain_by_GhostlyGoblin.jpg"]Rain[/url] 14. Bad habit of yours: [url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs31/i/2008/210/b/3/Remorse_by_amidarosa.jpg"]Remorse [/url] 15. Your first job: [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/084/b/9/Pink_Lemonade_by_starlightspell.jpg"]Lemonade Stand[/url] (yes, I count that) 16. Favorite Movie: [url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/053/9/7/despicable_me__it__s_so_fluffy_by_cutiexx9-d3a5xmq.jpg"]Despicable Me [/url](by far the cutest thing I have ever seen.) 17. What are you doing right now? [url="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/053/5/c/music_by_rocartt-d3a5nky.jpg"]Listening to Music[/url] 18. Whats The Weather Like? [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs47/i/2009/186/e/e/Sunny_by_Jenniiiiiii.jpg"]Sunny[/url] 19. Favorite Sport: [url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs42/i/2009/130/7/4/Cloud_plays_video_game_by_NitrogenCity.jpg"]Video Gaming[/url] 20. Favorite Music/Style/Band: [url="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/053/f/d/daft_tron_by_call_me_flowww-d3a5at5.png"]Daft Punk[/url] [code][b]1. The age you will be on your next birthday:[/b] [b]2. A place you'd like to travel:[/b] [b]3. Your favorite place:[/b] [b]4. Your favorite object:[/b] [b]5. Favorite food:[/b] [b]6. Your favorite animal:[/b] [b]7. Your favorite color:[/b] [b]8. The town/state/etc in which you live:[/b] [b]9. Name of past pet:[/b] [b]10. A dream come true:[/b] [b]11. Your nickname/screenname:[/b] [b]12. Middle name:[/b] [b]13. Favorite Smell:[/b] [b]14. Bad habit of yours:[/b] [b]15. Your first job:[/b] [b]16. Favorite Movie:[/b] [b]17. What are you doing right now?[/b] [b]18. Whats The Weather Like?[/b] [b]19. Favorite Sport:[/b] [b]20. Favorite Music/Style/Band:[/b][/code]
  5. Kazeshini


  6. I do like Roserade more... Because when I'm mentioned in Gardevoir's post... It's never a good thing...
  7. [url="http://pokemonreborn.com/logs/1264.html"][img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/pc/5/nateh.png[/img] Cal* vs. Kazeshini [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/images/vs/5/cal.png[/img][/url] ...
  8. First comment <3! hi there Nateh~ I love you!!~ I know you can beat him just like you beat Julia and Cain in a funny way! <333 lol well let's go show me the madness~

  9. I hope I don't regret this.... Nidoqueen - Toxic Spikes - Stealth Rock - Earthquake - Roar Shandera - Heat Wave - Calm Mind - Energy Ball - Protect Flygon - Dragon Tail - Earthquake - Fire Punch - Crunch Aianto - Befriend - Baton Pass - Iron Defense - Rock Slide Tyranitar - Ice Fang - Crunch - Earthquake - Fire Fang Empoleon - Aqua Jet - Surf - Grass Knot - Toxic
  10. Since Uxie can't at the moment. [color="#00FF00"][size=7]Happy Birthday[/size][/color] Taro, Whitney, Devin, father? Whatever. May your birthday be filled with joy.
  11. ...Things that die with fighting....
  12. Yeah that doesn't tell me anything. Vague answer.... is vague...
  13. Thank you for the rape brother... Definitely enjoyable.... Not really it hurt. Anyway yay signatures!
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