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  1. Don't worry I have been closely watching the teams and I have talked to people who submitted overbearing teams to make sure it stays fun I look forward to seeing a submission for you as well
  2. Hello people I have just been with a crazy idea. Imagine you looked at Julia's team and went "wow this shit I wish she used x instead" well with this you can do that because the idea of this mod is to replace ALL battle teams with community built teams (not every team will be used for their desired battle naturally) but I'll try to get every team somewhere in the game https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmULUeXzCmdTpFX3m4KHDs4NXaV-F6NKTnFw78CgVuwy7faA/viewform?usp=sharing Rules: You may have illegal move and abilities as long as they are fairly balanced (Ex no wonder guard). If you are building a early game team BE MINDFUL about the fact it is still the early game If you are building a gym leader team you are allowed to change the field and have up to two off type Pokémon. This mod will stick to gens 1-7 You are able to use the built in trainer effects system if you desire but keep in mind the capabilities for it are limited. Everyone can have more than one submission however it is not guaranteed that all will make it to their desired places (Some teams will most likely be put on random overworld npcs). You can submit partner battle teams (Ex partner Julia in Fiore). Legendary Pokemon are allowed if the fight is beyond badge 13. You are allowed to change the battle format of a given battle. This is not yet made so there is no download yet
  3. The mod has been given a major update, giving buffs to many Pokemon from new typings, slight stat buffs, new moves, and new abilities. Any suggestions for what to buff would be greatly welcome.
  4. Mod has been updated to fix trainer effect errors and added new fights.
  5. Mod has been updated to implement trainer effects for many fights and fixed sandstorm passive damage error
  6. Mod has been updated to fix severe ability error and updated some fights
  7. Mod has been updated to fix oversights with Burning and Dark Crystal Cavern
  8. Mod has been updated to fix Sunny Day and issues with Rainbow generation and drought
  9. Mod has been updated to include the BGM mod within it enjoy
  10. Download has been changed to be a patch folder download because I got it setup properly so enjoy @Charon
  11. Readme has been added which has more detailed changes listed in it (scroll to the bottom of it)
  12. Thank you for the concern. I'm still in the process of figuring out the small details the reason it's a full download is the fact a lot of files have been edited so just a patch download would not work unless you can tell me how to make that work. As for documentation it's a work in progress and the changes were listed in the initial post. This is my first time with this sort of thing and my knowledge of 19.5 modding is very limited so any information about how exactly the patch folder works would be very appreciated.
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