I'd also like to reccomend Hisiuan Zoroark for this list. Slap a life orb on this thing with max special attack investment, and almost every pokemon in the game dies to one of it's moves. Bitter Malice is a fun opton to lower attack and allow for longevity, and through pairing this thing with something weak to either ghost or fighting (say, mega gardevoir) it becomes super useful
I think I'm gonna restart it. I've got the QoL modpack, so I'm just going to give myself a random dragon type to start with, plus noibat and the starter (trying to use three dragons and three normal pokemon at all times)
Currently just beat the Neved fight in Chapter 8, but I'm not as attached to my team as I would like. I'm now tempted to restart the game and do a Normal/Dragon challenge run, but I'm conflicted/. What would you do in my situation?
I'm pretty sure the guy who gets us to collect the Zygarde cores says this too. Also, could they be the Zygarde host? Afaik they're a pretty new character, at least compared to the version in V13. You never know
Hell, according to Chapter 2, Mega Rings are apparently Garufan Artifacts/Tech? So that did feel a little weird to me, but it is what it is
Also, we love Normal Leader Melia. At least Noel only had the Clefable
I mean, the only downside of Renegade for me was that I'd have to make the characters dislike me. Although I do hear that te Renegade MC goes off the deeeeeep end in Karma Files...