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  1. So I'm trying to start the Goomidra quest, but I can't enter the castle. What are the prerequisites for it, and if I'm bugged, how can I fix it?
  2. I ended up going back and deleting a few save files to before the Pyramid, and that seemed to help.
  3. ^It does work. So to get Galarian Mr. Mime, evolve Mime Jr. with Mimic on Evergreen Island.
  4. Doing the first pyramid puzzle and Ren's red switch is glitched. It won't activate whenever he steps on it. Help please?
  5. Crap. Does that mean I have to start a new game if I update to current version?
  6. So I think I came across a glitch in the first Eclypsia Pyramid puzzle that won't let me continue. Whenever I'm about to finish the puzzle, I get to the red switch on Ren's side, but whenever he stands on it, nothing happens. So I can't get Aelita to go through and continue the story. The annoying thing is, it was working a couple of times before, but now it's stopped. Help, please?
  7. Nevermind. Found it.
  8. Playernonymous


    I'm playing Pokemon Rejuvenation and I'm wondering where Timburr is. The guide says one of the Rift Dens, but haven't encountered it and starting to think it's not there.
  9. So I just beat Erick yesterday, and I came up with a fool-proof plan, and it worked! Granted it was on Normal difficulty, but it works with Intense as well, with one slight problem. The main Pokemon I used for my plan were Pyukumuku, Wishiwashi, Seaking and Shedinja. I used Pyukumuku's Purify to change Murkwater to Water Surface, Seaking's Lightning Rod to avoid any Electric Attacks, Wishiwashi's Dive to change field to Underwater Surface, and Shedinja to take care of the rest. Shedinja's Wonder Guard resists every attack on Erick's team except Electivire's Fire Punch and Eelektross' Flamethrower, and Underwater Field negates all Fire attacks so Shedinja is untouchable. The same will work for Intense difficculty, though you'll need something to take out the Oricorio so Hurricane won't kill Shedinja. So all you need is to change to Water Surface, then Underwater, a Lightning Rod to protect the first two, and Shedinja, preferably with Dig.
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