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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Thuxo

  1. Still unconvinced about the Confusion, but I changed my strategy to avoid using it and managed to eek out a win with 2 hp remaining on my last mon.
  2. So I'm playing on Rejuvenation V13 and am on the 3rd gym battle. And the RNG for the confusion mechanic doesn't seem like it's programmed correctly. I've been using a strategy revolving around using confuse ray within the first few moves. The issue is that the Indeedee I am using it on only hits itself in confusion at least once within 2 turns approximately one in 6-9 times I try the battle. Assuming the confusion self-hit chance is 1/3, then the chance of it hitting itself within two turns should be 55%. I've had to restart the battle so many times because the confusion RNG does not seem programmed correctly and it is super frustrating. I was originally thinking it was just bad luck, but the chances of what I've been seeing after restarting more than a hundred times is probably less than 1%. I'm playing on Intense with no using items in battle. Am I missing something?
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