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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by jmedley

  1. For anyone using this, there's a typo that bugs Hisuian Electrode pretty badly. in MultipleForms.rb, starting at line 1702, you'll see the data for H-Electrode is basically copied and pasted from H-Voltorb. The logs also say the intended changes include base Special Attack 80>100 and learning Tri Attack on level up. Should look like this. Full file is attached also. PBSpecies::ELECTRODE => { :FormName => {1 => "Hisui"}, :OnCreation => proc{ maps=[152,552] # Map IDs for Hisui form next $game_map && maps.include?($game_map.map_id) ? 1 : 0 }, "Hisui" => { :DexEntry => "The tissue on the surface of its body is curiously similar in composition to an Apricorn. When irritated, this Pokémon lets loose an electric current equal to 20 lightning bolts.", :Type1 => PBTypes::ELECTRIC, :Type2 => PBTypes::GRASS, :Ability => [PBAbilities::GALVANIZE,PBAbilities::STATIC,PBAbilities::AFTERMATH], :BaseStats => [60,50,70,150,100,80], :Movelist => [[0,PBMoves::TRIATTACK],[1,PBMoves::THUNDERSHOCK],[5,PBMoves::TACKLE],[9,PBMoves::THUNDERWAVE],[15,PBMoves::SPARK],[21,PBMoves::ENERGYBALL],[29,PBMoves::THUNDERBOLT], [37,PBMoves::THUNDER],[47,PBMoves::CHLOROBLAST],[47,PBMoves::SELFDESTRUCT]], } }, MultipleForms.rb
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