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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by tony_52864

  1. Thanks for your help, with bronzor cradily was easy to take down. Unfortunately for me I encounter a bug a bit later in GDC where my name changed to Aelita, lost all my money, every items I had and my team were replaced by Aelita's team, gonna make a bug report !
  2. Cradily is clearly the one that makes me struggle because I can't one shot him and he has a lot of way to regenerate HP so im losing a lot of pokemon trying kill him, he also one shot my talonflame everytime. My pokemons are : Raichu with Charge Beam ; Volt switch ; Discharge ; Slam. Nidoking with Double Kick ; Earth Power ; Sucker Punch ; Megahorn. Arcanine with Flame Charge ; Overheat ; Extreme speed ; Close combat. Mr Mime with ice wind ; psychic ; Dazzling Gleam ; shadow ball. Houndoom with Flamethrower ; Overheat ; Shadow ball ; Nasty plot. Gale Wind Talonflame with Brave bird ; Acrobatics ; Flame charge ; Steel wings.
  3. Hey ! So im quite new on pokemon fangames and i had a lot of fun playing this one. Unfortunately im stuck on chapter 10, i basically need to beat Florin to progress in the story and reach GDC but i clearly don't have the right pokemons to beat him even after changing the difficulty to easy (yeah I suck). My problem is that i can't find a way to leave route 7 so i can't capture proper pokemon to beat this guy. I want to know if someone had an idea on what should i do cause i've been stuck there for the last 5 hours. Sorry if my english is not perfect and thanks for your consideration !
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