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consarn last won the day on January 1

consarn had the most liked content!


27 Developing


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  • Interests
    trading busted pokémon

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  1. funny gecko, now for real and sorry again for the wait lol
  2. so this must mean the deino disappeared forever ...which means i'm going online with it again
  3. you did get stuck on my end, but it seems the trade went through
  4. funny gecko sorry for the wait lol
  5. available now, in case of doubt as usual, grab another fodder if you also want a 6 iv ditto for breeding and stuff
  6. yeah, i'll be available by then and yeah, my username there is "consarn"
  7. ...may have fallen asleep during that time, oops i'll be available for a couple hours from now, though if you're in a bit of a rush, you can send me your save file so i can smuggle the pokémon in there (disclaimer: symptoms of this form of pokémon traffic may include ditto. please consult your day care lady before and after any such procedures)
  8. it's prepared, let me know when you're available sorry, i forgor the forum existed for a while
  9. can do, grab a fodder for it (or two for an extra 6 iv ditto)
  10. can do grab any fodder you have for it, or two if you also want a 6 iv ditto
  11. can do grab a fodder for it, or two if you also want a 6 iv ditto
  12. this isn't the channel for this, but i can offer some potentially useful stuff
  13. can do that grab a fodder for it, or two if you also want a 6 iv ditto, and let me know when you're available why am i not getting notifs for this?
  14. can trade one, let me know when you're available
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