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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by consarn

  1. online with the three (and a ditto i guess) as consarn
  2. yeah, i should be online by then, or by the next 4-ish hours as of typing this
  3. had technical issues (turns out i just tripped on a cable), but i'll be online for like 5 hours grab three fodders for those pokémon, or four if you also want a 6 iv ditto
  4. it's just amorphous in gen 7 that aside, want a 6 iv ditto to make that a little easier?
  5. can get all three going, let me know when you're available
  6. can handle that last part pretty easily, what's your username there?
  7. say, for some reason, that i want to create a kiddie pool that is 2x2 fishable (pulls from any given map's fishing pools in enctext) not walkable, surfable, or otherwise interactable outside of fishing animated (3 or 4 frames) how would i go by doing that? seems like something that could be sort of easily programmed by stealing data from murkwater, but i don't know how that could be programmed into an entity that could be inserted in multiple maps
  8. can do ...in around 5 hours and 20, because i'm at work now let me know when you're available
  9. it really is just rng even with the shiny charm, i can sometimes get up to 4 boxes of normal popplio eggs, for example
  10. d*ng email notifs didn't work, what a pile of cringe will be available in hopefully only 30 minutes from now (as opposed to like 50), and then the whole day tomorrow
  11. it's utc-3, meaning it's ~7:40 pm as of writing this in 14 hours, it'll be 9 am, so i'll be at work if you are kind of in a rush, i could also borrow your save file and smuggle the togekiss there
  12. yup yeah only togekiss gets it in that case, i'm available with it grab a fodder for the togekiss, or two if you also want a 6 iv ditto
  13. can do, probably i'll be home (and thus available) in around 40 minutes, and since i happen to have a togepi egg for trading, i can check then ...if togepi doesn't learn it, i guess i could also trade a togetic or togekiss
  14. can do that let me know when you're available
  15. @Tonyk9 got them both ready (give or take accidentally hatching the elekid), but due to "technical limitations", i'll only be available in around 5 hours (or hopefully the entire weekend). is that fine with you?
  16. funny fungus how does it even get drain punch
  17. online with the ditto (plus some mushroom thing i guess)
  18. 2 hours late for replying again, but i'm up with the shroomish
  19. available now, and for the entire weekend, and probably the next monday afternoon if enough things go wrong let me know when you're up
  20. email notifs seem to not be working, at least on my end. i wonder why

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  21. @walph can do grab a fodder (or two if you want a 6 iv ditto to go) and let me know when you're available
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