@cognacFor Dolphmon line yes. What i presume to be the issue for this one is that both Whamon and Divermon's evolutions are listed before Mermaimon's so it defaults to stats before even considering gender. Theoretically i think this means i could still get Mermaimon if i could even the stats out, but Dolphmon's base stats are 50 atk and 120 def even with loads of vitamins and a favorable nature the stats are nowhere close to equal.
A few other impossible ones i found while looking are Oleamon, Chaosmon, and Loogarmon.
Oleamon can devovle to Chamblemon but Chamblemon has no listed evolutions.
Chaosmon- Darkdramon, Bancholeomon, and Valdurmon do not have listed evolutions and also for Ulitmatechaosmon its evolution is having a Bancholeomon in party with Chaosmon (which i would guess is either something in the wrong place or would mean you would need 2 Bancholeomon's)
Loogarmon it can devolve to Loogamon but Loogamon's only evolution is Fangmon.
Another weird thing that i found is my Ginkakumon both does not have an evolution but also has no number in the analyzer (it shows as ??? when i check through stat screen) so I'm not sure if that one in particular was intended to dead-end at champion/adult level.
Again still enjoying the game just around the point where i got waterfall i realized that a good chunk of my team was not going where i initially hoped and would have to rebuild from scratch.