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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zhujiao

  1. Fuck donphan, you don't really need rocks that bad, especially if they are coming in so late and will most likely just get spinned off since you havent a spin blocker and you don't really need a spinner since team isn't really week to rocks since the tornadous can regenerate and thunderous is lead. The number one counter to this team is blissey or chancey right? Only thing that can even touch those fuck nuts is jirachi but that's just a giant stall war you are likely to fall short in. So instead of having a support pokemon you don't need let's throw in the most irritating pokemon known to the rain force. Toxicroak! Blissey will OBVIOUSLY switch out but then you just get a free chance to set up, he can't be poisoned and is immune to scald, highly decreasing chance of getting burned. You can just start with a sub against blissy and you will instantly regain all your life cause of black sludge and dry skin. He is just a really good sweeper in general and if you are up against a blissey, just don't let him die until that fat fuck is dead.
  2. In 100% honesty, the only reason I want him in ubers is because his brother is in ubers and I hate singling a pokemon out like that, he really isn't that fit for ubers, I wouldn't complain if we moved it down, it would just look really ugly to me. I would never use it anyways.
  3. You do need more of a Blissey/Chancey counter.
  4. oh, i forgot one BIG problem, i think this guy is UU, sableye, that kid WRECKS this team, unless you have darmanitan, and he doesnt switch or he uses confuse ray and you dont hit yourself 3274389753 times ina row, he can kinda wreck you
  5. kay ive tested this team many times in OU cause no one BLs in reborn and there is no BL in beta and mamoswine is OU there, honcrow's taunt has saved my ass in MANY battles, i certainly wouldnt put it down, the outrage thing, i dont really have a problem with sacrifising, its a team of sweepers, who cares if i lose one, skarmory may be a wall, but like the description says, they usually wont have many walls, so once you where it down its pretty much done, and i usually kill is 1-1 anyways, one of the times the taunt i mentioned comes in handy, and with a pleathera of nutral hits usually kill it fast, i have yet to actually be walled by it, the biggest threat i have found is gliscor since, unlike skarmory, can actually hit hard and isnt done for if hit my taunt, but he still isnt too much trouble with nutral hits and mamoswine and all, second worst is kingdra, but like always, just wear it down and he doesnt usually get any more than one kill, the only thing i really found wrong with this team is that virizon has lefties and CC which kills its point, give it somthing else, not life orb cause it WILL kill him alot, at least from what ive seen, maybe an expert belt or grass gem or muscle band, and also, this isnt a flaw just pointing it out, in mamoswines description it says he has edgequake, but you gave him super power instead, which has worked GREAT for me, just saying i was expecting the rocks, either would work im sure, but im liking super power, but it forces you to switch at times, and icicle crash is a nice alternative to sphere, but ive been liking sphere, mostly cause it doesnt miss, so thats an either or thing, you can change his item so like a sash or band or somethin i donno, life orb sometimes does good, other times it hinders, but i like it so i kept it, thats all i got so far, ill fiddle more and see what else i can find
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