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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by WehoK

  1. Just wondering if you are supposed to be able to sell the coin case and the achievement card to the vendor in the East Gearen lab for $0
  2. Thanks for all the great advice, I really appreciate it. I just finished EV training the entire team and now am going for those TM's also trying to get a Gengar to switch as a backup member for a fairy type that could be dangerous. I'm totally down to build another Gogoat to increase the bulk for my team so I can make the Arcanine physically offensive. I've put Empoleon on hold seeing as I can't get stealth rock and knock off yet but plan to swap those in as soon as its available. I've put calm mind and grass knot on alakazam temporarily while I wait for shadow ball and dazzling gleam to replace grass knot and charge beam. With noivern I've decided to drop hurricane and roost for taunt and tailwind as you suggested, due to how often hurricane missed. I will also replace pangoro with scrafty, he was a bit disapointing in the battle againt Luna i just got through, where I expected him to do well due to his huge type advantage. I honestly wasnt aware that Scrafty was so tanky and got such good moves otherwise I wouldve made that change sooner, pangoro was basically a filler mon for his typing in the team anyway.
  3. just wanted some advice for the team, I'm not too great at teambuilding so anything is appreciated. I'm also only on gym 9 right now and I plan to properly EV train everyone on my team soon. Here's my team: Noivern (Wide Lens) Infiltrator -Dragon Pulse -Roost -Hurricane -Steel Wing Alakazam (Twisted Spoon) Magic Guard -Psychic -Charge Beam -Reflect -Sleep Talk (Will replace when I get a better move) Gogoat (Big Root) Sap Sipper -Horn Leech -Aerial Ace -Bulldoze -Leaf Blade Arcanine (Charcoal) Justified -Crunch -Heatwave -Outrage -Flare Blitz Empoleon (Mystic Water) Torrent -Drill Peck -Water Pledge -Aqua Jet -Steel Wing Pangoro (Black Belt) Scrappy -Bullet Punch -Shadow Claw -Crunch -Hammer Arm
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