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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by RIddick

  1. I've looked and apparently (maybe I'm wrong) no one has mentioned this one, but for early-ish in the game, Apophyll Beach is decent for Sp. Def., you can get the Pyukumuku there (though there are only a few), and fishing there with a good rod can get you either Skrelp or Tentacool.
  2. First of all, I'll say I'm new to this forum, so if maybe the section is wrong or anything else, please let me know, I do not wish to disturb the natural order of the site! If anyhting, I should warn about spoilers about Kiki's story ahead? I just felt the need to communicate this, but I personally feel that Kiki's character writing and story hit me particularly hard! I already loved the game's writing, but after what happened to her, jesus man, I actually felt it was a personal mission to avenge Kiki and stop Team Meteor (fuck Cal, right? For Medicham!). I went so far as to name the Misdreavus you get from her spectral form 'Kiki', and has not left my team since I caught it. Haven't finished the game yet, but I'd rather rot in hell than put Kiki in a storage box. Nothing left to say but thanks to the creators of this most wonderful pokemon game (so most wonderful game, period?) ever! <3
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