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  1. Can't wait to play Rejuvenation again! I'm hyped as hell, it feels like anxiety torture. Lol But it will pay well in the end of the day.
  2. I'm now able to trade. If you add me on Discord, it would make it easier, probably.
  3. Hello there! I've got a Torchic ready for trade. It has 5 IVs and Baton Pass egg move. Do you want it? Tell me once you're ready. My Discord is thetrueinterceptor if you can find me.
  4. Hello there! I'm from a parallel universe of the dreams. There exist Pokemon, there are barely no wars, there are no guns and that sort of weapons, there are no political debates. I'm from Heaven. However, I've committed a crime in there as a leader of a criminal organization, and I was sentenced to life. And then... I died. After then, I've found my way to Hell. I am going to live here for the eternity, and my memories are erased, unless I restore the Hell to how it's supposed to be. I'm the only one who can make a difference for my point of view. If I just let everything go and do nothing, this world (Hell) will still be the same, and the catastrophe will happen. And that's the only reason why I was born in Hell, and my only condition to reincarnate in Heaven in my next life. And my name? Well, my name is Interceptor. Anyway, forget what I've said above. It's just not real. My name is Interceptor, I'm a returning user to the community (my old account was deleted). I left due to some drama on my side, but I've learned with my mistakes in all these years, and now I'm becoming a better person with time (I hope), and now I wanna leave my old life chapter behind because it doesn't represent me anymore. I've played Reborn for the first time ages ago, and I returned to play the game again last year. I also played Rejuvenation and Desolation, too. Although back then, Reborn was my favorite of the trio, nowadays I think Rejuvenation is my favorite right now, no hard feelings, Ame. But after I've finished the main game in V13.0.5, I can't wait for the next Rejuvenation update to be released on October 29 (V13.5). And I usually try to play another Pokemon fan game or even another game, but I always end up coming back to Rejuvenation, and what is more interesting is the lore about the main character, which is why I took my new name as Interceptor. I identify myself a lot with the main character in Rejuvenation in a lot of things. But what about me? Well, my existential age is unknown, but my biological age is around 21+ years old or so. I'm 6'2" (188 cm) tall. I've got ASD, depression, anxiety, you name it! Only few people in real life realize I'm actually smart, but my issue is that I can't use it for anything, which is why I said that. My biggest passions are cats, gaming, and cars. I love muscle cars in general, I have lots of knowledge about cars (although I've never worked on a car, I'm no American), I love cars with large displacement engines, and my dream car is a 1996-2002 Dodge Viper GTS. In fact, I like most of the cars, saving a few exceptions, but I know most of y'all aren't car people, so I'll stop talking about that. What are my favorite Pokemon? Well, to be honest, among the list, there are different Pokemon, such as Delphox, Meowscarada, Liepard, Roaring Moon, Metagross, Incineroar, Breloom, Revavroom, Baxcalibur, Garchomp, Braviary (both Unova and Hisui forms), Coalossal, among others. But the one of the few I dislike and the one I dislike the most is Golbat. Don't judge me, I just have a bad time trying to run from those ugly Golbat in every cave in every game. But yeah, that's it about me. Thank you for reading! Edit: Before I forget... If I was about to make a team of consistent Pokemon in my next Rejuvenation run, I'd probably use Hisuian Braviary, Incineroar, Metagross (no Metagrossite will be available, I'm pretty sure of that, or the game would be a bit easier to beat), either Kleavor or Mega Heracross (maybe), Garchomp, Hisuian Samurott (another great possibility), and others I'm not sure about which ones to choose. Of course, I'd need a coverage rooster, for every situation. Also, there are some Pokemon boosted by Crests, so that might make me think about it later. I'd say my starter will probably be an Oshawott, more likely.
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