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  1. Wind Rider doesnt work as intended like in the document said, it only boost Atk once when tail wind begins, not every end turn, Is this a bug ?
  2. Its an amazing mod, thanks for providing us Reborn-lovers with a unique experience. I have some questions as well as suggestions though 1. When will the next update (miraidon, koraidon and scarlet dlc 2 out ?) 2. When will the Yin version out ? 3. Should the MC have his own signature move as well ?(i can think of something like: Aura Surge (80 BP hidden power and it uses whatever offensive stat that is higher to deal damage)- the name come from MC's aura and plot armor. 4. If u are interested, pls consider add more custom Megas into the game. ^^
  3. Hi, sorry to bother you, but i just got Miraidon + Koraidon. It seems like their abilities are bugged atm, they cant summon sun/electric terrain Aside from the "Eevee Reborn" mod, i used the mod that are 99% compability in your guide, which are: [[Compatible mods that are common or favourably used (should work 99%): Aironfaar's Mod Box SWM Modular Modpack Pyrolusitium's UI Overhaul Ash-Greninja Mod!]] What can i do to fix this ?
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