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  1. Remember seeing this on Reddit and conversation involving this pic, they certainly had dreamed for that guy in a dress Dreamt so big that it became a nightmare
  2. Not only the Crest for Unovan Samurott comes later (8th badge), using the Crest itself is harder than evolving into Hisuian and Ceaseledging all over the place, as two of the only valuable Fighting STAB you'd want at that point is Sacred Sword and Superpower, and both are inaccessible until 12~13rd badge (Breeding with Smeargle / Tutor). I'd rather use Poliwrath for Water/Fighting mon as it massively saved my run on late game with Swift Swim.
  3. Scrafty, but is Dark/Dragon, has significantly less base stat on bulk, but has Contrary ability and learns Close Combat and Clanging Scales. Now you have Shell Smash Shuckle that deals damage. Still dies by Fairies looking funny so it's balanced.
  4. Looks like this is a somewhat common question, given the requirement to start the quest is very complicated and needs a lot of quest cleared beforehand... Cleared the every East Gearen Neo's help center quest, check. Fought Aya in Venam's gym, check. Cleared every Terajuma's help center quest, check. Miltank quest from Yui's Ranch however, is stuck in weird limbo. Dr. Jenkel's note is in Ben's house, Ben says thank you for Miltank, but the quest itself is nowhere to be found in anywhere of the Quests screen. I'm not really sure if visiting Goomidra Kingdom before everything was the cause of this limbo, that's what I did since I left out Odessa's quest for so long... Game.rxdata
  5. Figures... Starting to wonder why there is a seperate "Fulldesc" in that file as it was supposed to be able to be shown.
  6. With a combination of switching into Dark type with Protect -> Ghost -> Fighting (that is weak to psyshock) -> back to the Dark, you can safely drain PP of Focus Blast since it only has five uses, though that Gothitelle tends to not use the last PP of that move and kill your Ghost type with Dark Pulse during the cycle. As you successfully deplete Focus Blast's PP, spam your Dark type mons as Dark Pulse is the only option for Gothitelle. That's how I beat it.
  7. So yeah, self explanatory question. How can I view a long desciption of these things properly? I think I have seen some comment about that you can scroll through these while ago and none of the keys found in F1 seems to be working on keyboard. (This is a purified Route 4 Shadow Lotad)
  8. I was stuck a bit there too, but were you playing on a controller? I was playing on keyboard and pressing A key worked just fine. Also, at the later part of the game, the opponent will press the button so fast that's nigh impossible to win the last three questions. So the tip here is as you pass the message of the question, you need to press A instantly or you don't get a chance to respond.
  9. Given the boss's gimmick is basically a Sturdy Shedinja with Sturdy already has set up, plus the field disabling weather and its partners doing their best at nullifying status effect (= Toxic), the way to beat this "Sturdy Shedinja" is even more limited than usual. The idea is how unorthodox and creative your plan was to get this Camerupt ceased. Regardless, my answer was using a Fake Out + Flame Burst on a lead Whimsicott.
  10. Sorry I'm late, I just searched up your username by request trade if that's how it works.
  11. Alright, let's see if I can manage to wake up at that time.
  12. Help is always appriciated, you can tell me when do we trade and look up for a username 'Pigeot'. Just not right now and until about this 9 PM EST, I'm on a middle of the Charous Hall raid for Magearna before going sleeping.
  13. I... guess this can be hold for a while. Even without a Ditto I wanted, that "supercharged" Day care pretty much makes this Ditto hunt redundant?
  14. I started playing Reborn since last winter and currently digging through Post-game legendary sections, and figured I need to start grinding for more optimal IVs, and been doing so for few mons that has female gender. But with male-only mons and genderless ones, I'm a little stuck, breeding grind for them only actually works with Ditto with these optimal ones, I'm looking for someone who can offer me one. Attack and Speed IV is tolerable not to be V since I'm trying to make Trick Room Porygon 2 set, hence at least 4V. I'm willing to give this 6V Marill in return, it's a leftover of IV grinding with others.
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