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azurezone last won the day on June 16

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About azurezone

  • Birthday 09/03/1998

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  1. Sweet! Gonna give it a go right away! I'll keep vigilant for any problems I see! Starting a fresh save file on the new download to make sure nothing breaks! UPDATE 1; Pokemon Center shenanigans Ended up getting knocked out bc I forgot to heal at some point, but found that I ended up in the Poke Mart, not the Pokemon Center. When I entered the Pokemon Center after this, it automatically played the healing sequence when I hadn't even gotten to the counter. Tried it out a second time by dying on purpose and it happened again. It played out fine so technically this isn't a game breaking glitch by any means, and it seems to fix itself if you talk to Nurse Joy and get healed by her before dying again, so I'm guessing it's because a flag isn't set for which Pokemon Center you end up at if you haven't interacted with one before getting knocked out, but thought I should run it by you. Gonna continue onward! UPDATE 2; Move testing Ending Snipe still seems to have the same problem, a small animation plays with no effect (Used the Golemon at the beginning to test it) Holy Espada Reflect still raise the player's stats if used by an opposing Digimon- in Ending Snipe's case, is it supposed to be a physical move? If not, maybe the move as a whole has something off with it's coding? I can't think of anything that could be causing it as I'm not a game dev myself- For further testing, I'd be willing to give you my current save file over dms! UPDATE 3; Ladder Can confirm the Ladder in Gotsumon Tunnel has been fixed!
  2. Me again! I managed to get screenshots of the Holy Espada thing happening. (The Elecmon is using it here, Holy Espada's effects instead applied to my Buraimon) I tried out Reflect using my own Palmon and it didn't raise the opponent's defenses, but I've seen Reflect do this when a wild Palmon used it. I'm not sure where the problem could exactly lie, I checked the move descriptions and nothing seemed particularly off. Hope this little addition helps in tracking down whatever's causing it, though! UPDATE; Ryo's Lighdramon used Holy Espada and the buff applied to me, so it's not just wild Digimon, but all opposing mons. My working theory is that the battle ai thinks it's using an attacking move, but I'm still unsure as I haven't used essentials before. The Ending Snipe issue extends to wild, trainer and Digimon that you're using though. I caught a gif of it since the animation rolls by too quickly to really describe what's happening. I'll also add that the first ladder in Gotsumon Tunnel doesn't work correctly if you try to go back up, you clip into it and have to press A to exit.
  3. (EDIT 06/16/2024 MORE BUGS FOUND) Small bug report and some suggestions; The move "Ending Snipe" will activate and a small animation will play for a second in the top corner, but will not do any damage. It's not like it's missing, it just...Doesn't do anything? I'm not very far into Olympic Strikers so I haven't come across any other moves that do this, but if I find any, I'll let you know. Holy Espada and Reflect raise the defensive stats of opponents instead of applying the buff to the user, too. Other moves similar to them might have the same issue. (For future reference, I have my first Crest and am around the cave!) As for some other things I'd like to bring up while I'm here, the encounter rates seem to be a bit unbalanced. I'm the type of person to not want to miss anything in an area, but some encounters were taking more than an hour to finally show up. I'll have the right time range to see those encounters, but still won't find anything. It's a little disheartening! Making an encounter document may also help in the future, putting it and the pokemon.txt alongside the game files to help those completing the dex would also be cool! (Downloaded the game via Mirror 1, couldn't find the pbs) I did notice some minor things in the text around the Beginners Tournament phase, mainly Crests being referred to as Badges or Emblems. I play as a girl, so I also noticed Suzuka having a pronoun related error during the point where you first step inside her house. There were too many instances of the badge/emblem text to put here, but I did manage to find the specific Suzuka line in the intl.text! If there are any more pronoun errors I come across while I play, I'll let you know! ( "Suzuka: What is he planning to do now? He surely wants to participate in the Tamer Championship. But it's still too early for that." ) These are very minor things in the grand scheme of things, and I just wanted to let you know about them! I absolutely love this game, it's incredibly charming and I can see all of the love that's been put into making it. I'm blown away with what I've experienced so far and I can't wait to play more of it! Thank you for such an incredible experience!
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