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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by HisuiZorua7496

  1. Just started Yang and its great - but I ran into an error when I used a dive ball on a Crabrawler in the Slums. In fact, it seems like using a dive ball on any pokemon in the Slums creates this error. I was able to replicate it consistently. Regular Pokeballs and great balls work as they should though.
  2. Found a bug during post-game, I'm at the part where you fight Elena during the Celebi quest, I get an error message every time I wipe out her drifblim and the end of the turn is complete. Unfortunately because I'm using Joiplay on Android I can't get the complete error message. (never-mind you can ignore this. Twas my own screw-up messing with the game files and trying to add in an ability)
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