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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ikaru

  1. i'm so not an artist but for my own playthrough i've recolored flutter mane's shiny to mostly match misdreavus and mismagius and i might as well share it: if any actual artists want to adjust the shiny icon so it matches better, by all means, i'm not too confident in it myself
  2. if any of us say our favorite bug isn't this one, we're lying
  3. i guess if everyone's doing it

  4. We're cheating because we knew exactly when the topic was going up >:D @Robin, whose display name was definitely always Robin and definitely not an older name until like three minutes ago, for sovereign of course EDIT: oh, and she'll never see it and like five people at most know her, but: @crystalwolf99 for queen
  5. I don't know about "cinnamon roll" but bluetowel gets the supportive award nomination from me every day of the week
  6. if you're writing a story and you create a non-antagonist that's doing something obviously questionable and justifies themselves with "i'm just following orders" we can't be friends i'm sorry

  7. There's no need to change perfection, my friend. EDIT: actually i will put a hat on it. The Craziest Conspirator Award - when I asked about the "birds aren't real" movement @ZEL responded, and I quote: "i want that shirt with the pigeon drone design on it" Most Likely To Really Be Ferdinand von Aegir - Definitely @Marcello EDIT2: I-it's Not Like I Wanted to Win or Anything Award - Just for @Felix~ who just used the exact words "i don't need sincerity lia, i need noms"
  8. It's nothing that was unplanned or unexpected. Frankly I was surprised she was home as soon as she was but apparently it was close to the average. I've been seeing her update the "master to-do" list a couple times already so don't you worry about her.
  9. Hello I am here to appreciate the anime Reborn! reference. As will @Inuki, Ame. Come on now. Unfortunately, in that state Reborn is a baby and Sigmund would have to try and take him in... Well, actually, he wouldn't stand a chance so maybe that's fortunate.
  10. In true Reborn fashion I am required to milk a dead joke, but in true Ikaru fashion I will at least add a twist: What is the percent composition of water in a sandwich with too much mayo?
  11. EVERYONE GO WISH @Inuki A HAPPY BIRTHDAY or, like, don't i guess but if you don't i'll be SAD

    1. Godot



  12. shoutout to milotic

  13. I don't think we'll stop interacting or anything (not entirely anyway), but it's still a little sad. I didn't really know you at first, obviously, but if you claim your changes have come about during your time here I will certainly take responsibility. [: As usual, trade you.
  14. ^ this, and not even "arguably." It's called Reborn for that reason, you know. Back in the day we had the cheesy Poké-Place name and when it died the first time and came back it gained the signature "Reborn" on it. After that it just got tackier and tackier, going from Reborn to [Reborn] to [[Reborn]] to {{Reborn}} and at that time I think the only concern is when Ame would run out of ways to stylize it. That said, that sort of thing does happen but should we worry about it? I don't think so. Even if the game were to end up shut down somehow Ame has another project in the wings that I'm sure she'll be much more excited to work on than a tired old Pokemon game. And when all else fails, what Felix said: we'll take the memories with us elsewhere.
  15. I'm glad you think so after such a short time! Same to you, friend. I sure do remember that. But that's okay in the end you were worth letting them go to [: Bet. Fish if you think I'm not taking that aggro head-on and positioning myself like a tank until I die or lose aggro you've got a big storm('s eye) coming. Also, likewise [:
  16. There IS no diversion button Inuki!! i don't have space for it. You're right though, and hopefully your hours of perspective continue to positively influence you as they have been doing recently. On that note, in a surprise twist, I'm going to flip this reply on its head and make it about you instead! I don't say enough how proud of you I am for making the decisions to improve yourself and your overall setting even if sometimes you still feel like you're stuck with some un-great ... opinions ...... from a certain someone. As someone who obviously struggles to do the same it's another point in your favor that we are in fact not the same person; instead of me just being inherently cooler and better than you at things like before, you've done a lot of catching up and showed that you are, in fact, one (1) real MVP. Not that you ever weren't. The whole "single most important event" thing goes both ways you know. ... And no, I haven't forgotten your No Blissey rule yet. @Comm: give him meme posts anyway he deserves them @Zumi: the first and second times were also charms. my attack is -6 and I hope you're going to accept responsibility. @Pyon: thanks dad
  17. oh I noticed the status before the topic oops. well. welcome again! purple is my favorite color so i respect that. taka should be everyone's precious child honestly and i am very sorry for what my favorite puts him through. as for fern like i said i know at least one other person who likes him the most and trusts that he'll get better. be strong my friends.
  18. MY BOY! I didn't see this yesterday and only said words on discord but welcome back man. I'm ngl you popped up in my facebook recommendations here and there because 4 mutual friends still, so this is kind of cool that you're here again.
  19. oh hey I know you because you're the one that won jeopardy at the party right? i definitely remember asking who you were in the staff channel because you won something but weren't on the actual reborn discord. that's probably not a good thing to say for my first impression. official welcome!
  20. everyone wish @Inuki a happy birthday or else

    or else nothing really but he is very good and deserves the kindness of every person unconditionally 


    i would have posted a topic but it's well past midnight and the tradition is ruined i've failed everyone.

  21. You have a super unique style! It's the kind of distinct that I feel like I could see it somewhere in passing and be like "oh ruby did this," if that makes sense A+
  22. it's not even about gender. that's weird. you're weird. go to sleep.
  23. It is ... vaguely associated with this topic what with people potentially being unable to find things that are definitely out there; I believe the reason for this is that archived results aren't displayed. At that point the best we can do is remember which sub-forum it was in and look manually. Which is gross. As for the rest it looks like everyone else understands it so thank you all.
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