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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ikaru

  1. Not this thread, I specified the development blog. That's where they'll be able to follow progress, if with nothing beyond Ame's occasional comments below the progress bars. If someone doesn't have an answer themselves, they can link that at least. If the answer isn't there it might not be anywhere.
  2. You've managed to miss the entire point of the post. This is not to prevent newcomers from asking the same question nor "**** us" (whatever that's supposed to mean...). This is to establish that we are expected to be patient with new users asking questions for the first time. We have the answers and we've seen these questions a thousand times but they do not and they have not. It is incredibly off-putting to be ridiculed or have dumb inside jokes thrown at you instead of an actual answer to the question that you put yourself out there to ask. It's not solely about the game either. Additionally, there's still a negative preconception of new users in your last message which is exactly what we're looking to avoid. The latest person to introduce themselves barely even mentioned the game and when they did it was solely to say they weren't familiar with it. The rest was a perfectly legitimate introduction. Again, the point is not the repeated questions that we may or may not have the answers to, the point is the manner of response. Instead of "It'll be out when it's out" or "everyone time someone asks ame delays it hehe xdddd," direct them to the devblog page on the site. Answer legitimately. "We don't know any better than you do, but you can keep up with it with the rest of us here." "This post details the new testing process; it's currently in the beta phase and should be done with that soon, and after that it will be available to the community as a whole." I'm sure Amethyst appreciates the kind words but that is only a fraction of what this post is for. And I don't think making fun of each other is the example she intends for us to lead by. Please don't make it sound difficult as if you have to "control yourself." It isn't. Give an answer they're looking for or say nothing.
  3. That was all that ever needed to be said here. Thank you.
  4. Two threads on the matter or no, I am incredibly disappointed that the other thread had one response, a helpful response with an extra recommendation for learning more on the matter, and yet this thread is full of condescending replies, assumption about the user's intent or ability, outright sarcasm, and maybe one suggestion for even trying to emulate the desired effect. The user chose to go out on a limb with a request with an account made today as their first post and some of you have almost definitely left a terrible first impression of the community. Especially you with a post bleeding sarcasm, as a developer. I expect better from the group of people most involved with the game in a thread like this, who should take the chance to share information or otherwise help a new user much like mde did in the other thread. As for the actual content of the original post, first of all, it would be easier to give you edited versions of the specific files relating to the Exp. Share; I'm no coder so I can't help you myself, but mde mentioned an Exp All existing in essentials in the above thread (a direct link to mde's post) that you may be able to use for a similar effect.
  5. I'm not sure if you've figured it out by now, but yes, an e-mail address should be enough to find the old account, assuming it still exists.
  6. new computer, sat with the default wallpaper for a while out of lack of inspiration, stumbled onto a gem today, it's yukino again:
  7. For some(most? um.) it's Father's Day, for everyone it's Sunday, and for one very important person, a birthday. His 23rd, actually. Crazy to think I was a month away from being part of 10 of them by now. Nearly ten years! It seems not so long ago the only communication we had was the clicking of our DS buttons during D/P wifi battles with your hacked shit smh, you were making pillow forts for nights of voice chat, running Shadow Claw (or Toxic Orb Fling...) just so your favorite could beat mine, or even arguing whether fog could fill a bowl. And yet here we are now, our fog bowls unfilled having changed so much, and in some areas so little, sitting in a Discord voice channel; I'm listening to you guys spectate a League game - and Aaron making sure to point out Ame missing a nearly stationary target with something or other, good shit Ame - and typing away muted so you'll never know heheh. I just heard an Ashe die. Terrible. Oh. That game ended. You'll all probably play now but I'm busy, sorry! For the less-informed, this person I'm referring to, if it wasn't clear already, is one of - if not THE - most valuable person in my life to date and with very little competition. He ranges from a rival to the little brother I don't actually have but might as well, and challenges me in most things we do together if he doesn't blow me out of the water entirely, which is not uncommon. Watching him improve is great, really. He really puts in the effort if he makes the decision to do so. I might not give myself quite enough credit, but the times I do make progress in something and improve it's most likely with him around and sometimes directly because of his advice. Many moons ago, it used to be the opposite, and I was the inspirational cool guy of the club we had; but in time that evened out, or depending on who you ask, may have just reversed entirely. My position in Reborn notwithstanding, of course. Not to say he hasn't contributed either, because he sure has! Good old RMXP animation jank. Anyway, friend, I know you weren't in the best spot today and I couldn't really do much about it - ... okay, I probably could have tried a little more, so I'll take that L -what with the yard work, but today, June 18th 2017 (mark it on your calendars everyone I'll be back next year!) is your day and if you want to do something I'll drop whatever I'm doing and we'll do it. I'm stupid for reasons you're aware of that need no explaining, so I can't really get you anything, and hopefully my presence (even though it's there every day anyway ...) is something you'll appreciate. ...? Hold on. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH A DOUBLE JUMP NOW! WHAT ELSE ARE THEY GOING TO TAKE FROM ME!!!! WHY EVEN LIVE????????? *ahem* He'll understand that. In any case, I haven't said who I'm talking about yet have I? Well, for you all and of course for him: Inuki, you're the best and I don't think that's probably ever going to change. Sorry I can't really do more to show it. Now to wait 40 minutes to post this. Tick tock.
  8. can confirm he was very frustrated with graphics gale
  9. That's the problem. It doesn't give them a fighting chance. It just makes it feel closer. So far there hasn't been anything unexpected and the one matchup that was closest to being a big upset still ended as a 700 million difference in favor of Tharja. Probably much closer than it would have been but ultimately at this rate nothing has changed.
  10. What do you call this kind of feeling again?

  11. I think it's neat that triangle adept gronnraven makes you take 0.9x damage even though you have the bow weakness. But I also really like blade tomes. I think you can go either way if you have flier buffs.
  12. I'm leveling random units at this point for funsies and my Cecilia was already 32 so I'm taking her to 40. She's growing on me, not that I ever outright disliked her. I'm thinking of a horse emblem team with Blarblade Ursula (got her to 40 in the last round of things, and rolled Odin recently) Triangle Adept Cecilia, Priscilla because Rehabilitate is way too good wtf also she's my favorite in FE7 if I had to pick one, and ... uh, idk, Eliwood? for... something......? I wouldn't mind Eldigan to be honest but I'm not so fortunate.
  13. Actually I would argue that Jeorge is debatably more focused on mages than anything else because his bow gives an extra +4 res when attacking. My Jeorge is -spd/+atk and quite frankly I would almost definitely prefer the reverse.
  14. If you're trying to say what I think you are, I think you're misunderstanding the way attack buffs work with blade tomes. Though you aren't wrong in that I might want Defiant Spd instead anyway. The thing is that it includes all stat buffs - Defiant Spd would mean +7 damage because of the +7 speed, but Defiant Attack is a +7 attack boost (which is, you know, +7 damage) which the blade tome then turns into another +7 because it's a +7 buff. So it amounts to +14 damage.
  15. Something I want to do for Nino's A-slot skill is grab Defiant Atk 3. But I don't want to give up the Tiki I currently have or Ryoma at all, so I can't do that yet. e: wait that said Nowi whoops. Yeah that would work probably. My Eirika is actually -atk so I chose to go with the ball o' stats route. I think Fury is best on things that don't stand out in any one stat already and Manaketes tend toward that. Triangle Adept would also work to eat Falchions.
  16. Busy day today. I don't know what to do next.
  17. this is all i can say on the matter as someone who can't stand camilla
  18. 0-real real quick give me a song to listen to? (that question mark makes it on topic)
  19. Ultimately I just want a bunch of Sacred Stones characters. Eirika is already in and I'm trying very hard to get her, and then I'm anticipating Lute and Marisa. I secretly want a Karel so I can dump his Wo Dao on to Marisa whenever she comes along. I have a 4* Tharja that I'd totally promote to 5* to give Lute a Rauðrblade+ because I'm having a lot of fun buffing Nino and blasting enemies to oblivion in one hit. That said my Nino isn't 5* so that may be next if I don't get Eirika, a better Tiki, or if I'm feeling real frisky, promote my Chrom to 5* so he can dump Aether on Catria.
  20. In fairness if you lose already there's no reason not to. That's the logic behind using that skill in the first place.
  21. I agree that communication is good, but this was already announced once. It looks like an exact copy of the last one too. There's nothing new.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ikaru


      yeah, I listen to a lot of things but I think that's closer to the top of the list

    3. Wolfox


      I'll add this band to my look up list, they sound really nice sofar

    4. Ikaru


      excellent :D

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