For some(most? um.) it's Father's Day, for everyone it's Sunday, and for one very important person, a birthday. His 23rd, actually. Crazy to think I was a month away from being part of 10 of them by now. Nearly ten years! It seems not so long ago the only communication we had was the clicking of our DS buttons during D/P wifi battles with your hacked shit smh, you were making pillow forts for nights of voice chat, running Shadow Claw (or Toxic Orb Fling...) just so your favorite could beat mine, or even arguing whether fog could fill a bowl. And yet here we are now, our fog bowls unfilled having changed so much, and in some areas so little, sitting in a Discord voice channel; I'm listening to you guys spectate a League game - and Aaron making sure to point out Ame missing a nearly stationary target with something or other, good shit Ame - and typing away muted so you'll never know heheh.
I just heard an Ashe die. Terrible.
Oh. That game ended. You'll all probably play now but I'm busy, sorry!
For the less-informed, this person I'm referring to, if it wasn't clear already, is one of - if not THE - most valuable person in my life to date and with very little competition. He ranges from a rival to the little brother I don't actually have but might as well, and challenges me in most things we do together if he doesn't blow me out of the water entirely, which is not uncommon. Watching him improve is great, really. He really puts in the effort if he makes the decision to do so. I might not give myself quite enough credit, but the times I do make progress in something and improve it's most likely with him around and sometimes directly because of his advice. Many moons ago, it used to be the opposite, and I was the inspirational cool guy of the club we had; but in time that evened out, or depending on who you ask, may have just reversed entirely.
My position in Reborn notwithstanding, of course. Not to say he hasn't contributed either, because he sure has! Good old RMXP animation jank.
Anyway, friend, I know you weren't in the best spot today and I couldn't really do much about it - ... okay, I probably could have tried a little more, so I'll take that L -what with the yard work, but today, June 18th 2017 (mark it on your calendars everyone I'll be back next year!) is your day and if you want to do something I'll drop whatever I'm doing and we'll do it. I'm stupid for reasons you're aware of that need no explaining, so I can't really get you anything, and hopefully my presence (even though it's there every day anyway ...) is something you'll appreciate.
Hold on.
He'll understand that. In any case, I haven't said who I'm talking about yet have I? Well, for you all and of course for him:
Inuki, you're the best and I don't think that's probably ever going to change. Sorry I can't really do more to show it.
Now to wait 40 minutes to post this. Tick tock.