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Everything posted by Ikaru

  1. You are correct and if I'm allowed to divulge a super top secret procedure that only the toppest of the top elite users here know abo- Alright so anyway yeah, basically I'm pretty much the only alpha tester but we do it in a skype call (very secret!!!) and I screen share (cmon discord get your shit together) it for Ame + potentially Dan and/or Inuki; for the most part I just play through it as anyone else would and make sure it's, you know, playable, from start to finish. If I catch any side-quests like any other player would I do those. If there are any especially complicated side-quests I am generally told to go out of my way to (try to) do those too. Sometimes there are things she fixes for me that don't necessarily solve the problem for others. you know, like the yureyu building tl;dr I kind of just play through it once and once it works that far it goes to the beta people. That's when things that aren't immediately obvious start breaking because unlike me they are not one person and all do things and cover a wider area so to speak. I'm a little hesitant to mention the exact process because it's eventually going to change but more or less yes, that's correct. The member ranks currently go Member -> Familiar (6 months account...time...?) -> Veteran (Familiar + 750 posts) -> Ace Member (site shop item use).
  2. "But that's just a well made fairy tale."

    1. Felicity


      i wish i had a tail tbh

  3. That's kind of like asking if water is wet, honestly, but yes. The obtainable list will be updated around the time the beta is released. Watch for that then.
  4. We've met every major character by now. The program this is from keeps track of the number of lines of text; it's not inherently a list, and it's more likely there's just a blank line at the top of the file.
  5. Ikaru


    All the new designs they showed for team RWBY are SO GOOD. Ruby's art is actually my favorite of the four even though Weiss is still the best overall. Also for anyone that hasn't seen it yet: If the later parts of this video featuring the other team RWBY members are any indication I feel like the quality of the art is going to bump up again for this volume. EDIT: maybe "art" wasn't the word I was looking for but, like, the models at the very least look different and I kind of like it.
  6. ooooh..... you did the thing she warned everyone about in the tags......... goodbye, friend. you're completely correct though and it's so terribly unfortunate LOL

    1. Arkhi


      I've spent twenty minutes thinking of a witty reply.

      still none in sight

  8. The true meaning of not running away is planting your feet firmly in the ground and doing the best you can with your present.

    1. Maelstrom
    2. Ironbound


      Teddy Roosevelt had said, "Do what you can with what you have where you are."

      Gone are those days of America, methinks.

    3. Hexagoen


      But what if they gave me coal?

  9. stop posting games i play terribly in!!!
  10. If we're betting on which one is you or something, there's no way it isn't the one with headphones.
  11. we out here seeking hearts, can't wait to die
  12. whoops crushed my own already-fleeting motivation again hahaha

    1. Shamitako


      well, i had some help

      but same

    2. Ironbound


      *pats very gently*

      It happens. Time to pick up the tools and start again.

    3. Zumi
  13. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ IKARU TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    1. Ikaru
    2. Felicity


      that's what food says when you eat it

  14. As mentioned, I do have a preference for Dark Knight but they can't S-rank tomes so if you don't have someone else who can I don't mind either way. To that end I noticed Odin starts with a D-rank in tomes so if people haven't recruited my avatar already I'll throw an arms scroll on it.
  15. My favorite pokemon is Mismagius! And before gen 4, Misdreavus and Sneasel were still my favorites. As for Serra in the above post, yes, she was Blake's replacement.
  16. oooh I'll volunteer as tribute! I'll make a new file just for this, so it won't be ready immediately but I'll get on it after I sleep. Name: Ikaru Boon/Bane: +Mag/-Lck (i thought about -HP since -Lck is pretty much free but eh) Unique Class: Dark Mage Castle Address: 10836-57114-45981-17521 don't know if I'll be playing a run like this myself but I'll totally give you your very own me. EDIT: address added ready to go
  17. I'll go ahead and respond inside the quote since quoting multiple blocks of text is inexplicably difficult for me. Of course, with all that said, welcome! I (and we, I suppose) appreciate the overall high ratings And because Sheep is lame and didn't obligatorily mention the Community Rules on the left menu, I suppose I'll take care of that. Do keep those in mind and enjoy your time here!
  18. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/league/archive.html?log=1298 here u go
  19. Absolutely. The main game isn't especially difficult and the only need for minmaxing really comes in when you're looking at the harder DLCs. I never finished grinding for Apotheosis but I had something like 17 stat capped units (sans str/mag on units that didn't need those) most of which having ideal skill sets and whatnot (never forget grinding out 20 different limit breaker scrolls). But for the main game none of that is required whatsoever. I've played FE7 to 14, excluding 12 (and I do have the patch for that (and for 6)), and so far I have varying forms of appreciation for most of them except maaaaaaaybe Shadow Dragon. Not to say I didn't like it, but, as mentioned, the characters did feel pretty flat (especially when I'd already played Awakening with its focus on supports by then) and that's one of the things I look for most. I'm a lot more likely to have fun when I've got a bunch of favorite characters (looking at you, Lute and Marisa) and the only one I remember liking very well in Shadow Dragon was Catria. ... maybe Tiki. Nagi was pretty but.... she didn't matter at all?? idk. I almost played FE4 for reasons thanks to Scarlet, but, I feel like the chapter lengths would kill me, and I can't imagine playing such an older game after everything else. It's the reason I haven't played through pokemon white 2 yet, even though I have a physical copy right here. That said, I really like the new games for a number of reasons but interestingly enough, the game that snuck up on me and surprised me was Radiant Dawn. Obviously I needed to emulate it and my computer isn't the best, and I stopped playing at Part 4 Chapter 2 a million years ago and wasn't especially invested in it at the time. I picked it back up at that spot recently for reasons and I actually regret not having finished it at the time. This endgame is hype, and I'm still only on 4-E-4. It kind of sucks that I didn't really know how it worked and I didn't take everything from all the units I wasn't taking with me, but so far I've been making it work anyway. People complain about the support conversations in this game (or lack thereof) and they're totally justified, but in the parts I'd not finished I realised that some bosses have conversations with a surprising number of the player's units before fighting. I think Numida had a conversation with everyone I tried to attack him with, and Edward even had something to say when he tried to snipe him with his Purge tome. And [REDACTED] in 4-E-3 has conversations with units not even remotely relevant to him as far as I know (i.e. Sothe). I thought that was neat. Of the GBA games, all two of them that I played, I definitely prefer Sacred Stones over Blazing Sword although I did like the length of Blazing Sword more than Sacred Stones' route split. I played 8 -> 7 and then started to play 6 but decided I wasn't going to play another 2D FE and jumped to Path of Radiance instead. One day I'll get back to 6. Currently I've played through Awakening the most but I don't really think I can pick any one favorite. If I actually owned Radiant Dawn and could play it at full speed that might be different. It's probably between Awakening and Fates because I'm anime trash and like being able to associate with cute girls, sue me they're newer and are both visually and uh, the audio equivalent of "visually" - i can't think of the word right now - pleasing. People have their opinions which is fine but I feel like they've been improving in all the areas I really care about.
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