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Everything posted by Ikaru

  1. i got a very nice thing that's endgame tier on maplestory but. it's on the wrong class. and cannot be on the right class. this very nice thing means nothing. that's all. zumi still a best dw!! what's your next goal now that you're an esteemed Ace Member™? EDIT: wait, it's only fair that someone does this for you too!
  2. why is fate so cruel to an unlucky boy like me are there any touhous that can steal a person's luck for themselves because i'm thinking about borrowing inuki's.
  3. thats WEIRD WTF i've never even heard of that or considered it a combination..................... am i the gross one ]:
  4. I remember having to look up what this was the first time I listened to it
  5. I made Nyx a Dark Falcon in my second run after I already had Revelation and was able to. I wanted to keep her forever tbh but that's partly bias towards flying units. I don't mind her that much though. Unfortunately Odin's child is precious and I had to choose between them. It wasn't a hard choice.
  6. If it helps, I do believe Camilla gets a bit more exp than normal pre-promotes do- just not at this point. Don't feel too bad if you need to use her.
  7. Chapter 10 is pretty notoriously difficult from what I've read and obviously experienced twice. Mozu as an archer makes you able to use the second ballista which I did not have the chance to do the first time around, but wow did she put in way more work than Odin did before. I found that Silas can deal with the archers on the right given a healing item(s) and a nohrian blade and when Selena and Beruka show up they can deal with the fighters on the left. I left my avatar and Effie to the points in the middle (Effie did enough with a javelin to fkn bop the ninjas). I always made sure to trade Camilla a Hand Axe and a healing item(s) and then just throw her at an entire group of enemies to get one of the villages. Last time I did it, I sent her to fight Oboro's goons. The important thing here, I think, is that you need a good combination of offense and defense- kill everything you can on your turn and as time goes on and more and more reinforcements show up, like around turn 8-9? back everyone off and surround the back of the map where you're supposed to be defending and hope to survive the swarm of goons on the last two turns. When I played through it the first time, Arthur got crit by an archer on turn 11. I have never used him when I didn't have to since.
  8. TIL Aurelion Sol has the number 1 win rate in the mid lane at the moment??? weird. why?
  9. at the risk of ruining literally everything for everyone in the universe (not really), I was looking for old AMAs a while back and I saw your opinion thread again in the process, including the parts about me in my own response and the small bit(s) about me in your response to Phoenix, and I'm a bit curious- that, and everyone knows it's good practice to make things that have nothing to do with you about yourself [: Would you say things are any different now?
  10. very good. very good. (Yu-Gi-Oh! is good too but I haven't kept up lately) very good. very good. Congratulations, you passed the test you didn't know you were taking. You can stay. Welcome! EDIT: oh I'm the first authority figure again. Obligatory "make sure you've read the rules on the left" and "if you have any questions feel free to message myself or the other staff in the list also on the left!"
  11. I think you'll do alright here with those interests. Personally Fire Emblem is one of my favorite things, so good choice. Welcome! If you haven't already, do remember to check the rules on the left, and if you have any questions you can message any of the staff on the list that is also on the left! Who is/are your favorite Fire Emblem character(s)?
  12. directly taken from discord because fact
  13. Winter is my favorite season. You can stay. Welcome! I can answer that last question, actually- that character is from this... debatably strange and very catchy music video: https://youtu.be/Ag2THZKnwfE?t=1m25s
  14. Quite aware. I almost took Sumia from Chrom in my first Awakening playthrough but at the time I drew a real-world parallel to myself attempting to steal someone I was interested in for myself when they were interested in or already with someone else. Not that I did so at that time, but if I were a different type of person, the chance was there and in a way, I did do that eventually. It's complicated. This isn't the place for that. Don't mind me. Anyway, some of the support lists are shit-tier and should have definitely included at least one other character a la Jakob and Flora mentioned above, others I can't come up with at this very moment, so I don't know what there is to be sorry about _ As for chapter 7, it'll be much easier in future playthroughs if you guys are anything like me. I tend to play more defensively when I'm allowed to but I learned that this is a mistake. A number of my resets came from pacing issues where I got overrun by a group of enemies because I didn't thin them out when able.
  15. That's okay, neither did I. I would like to, but the translation always goes unfinished every time a group steps up to get it done. What's your class; Fate, traditional RPG, or otherwise?
  16. Why Karna when Scathach is obviously the superior Lancer? Have you even PLAYED Fate/Extra CCC???? I bet you haven't.
  17. Friendly reminder a la the quote from the original post above that if all you have to say is a comment about the progress and no additional substance, regardless of positive intent or what have you, try to include more or refrain from posting, please. Especially if your post is literally one word. Thanks.
  18. To clarify, yes, Fly is supposed to not be usable at all and will naturally be a bit off as a result. And yes, the E16 content will be triggered by flying into the city.
  19. ...wait, what did I do? As for an explanation on the skills- Icy Blood was because I married and have a new appreciation for Flora don't really like hot weather and am way more at home in colder weather; Supportive because I feel like I'm better off assisting people that do the things they do better than I do; Competitive for the same reason but at the same time, the opposite mentality- "someone is doing <thing> better than me but I want to be good at my own thing too grumble grumble"; and Gallant for the same reason as Supportive in a different form. I'm not especially confident in my own ability and therefore I feel like I would sooner be able to help someone else shine brighter. [2:36:20 AM] [REDACTED]: fierce rival was pretty much directly calling inuki out [2:49:49 AM] [REDACTED]: certain blow was so i could hint towards a bow preference without having a bow class [2:49:57 AM] [REDACTED]: strong riposte because i don't pick fights, i end them [2:50:01 AM] [REDACTED2]: LOL [2:50:14 AM] [REDACTED2]: i stomp kids [2:50:16 AM] [REDACTED2]: -ikaru [2:50:34 AM] [REDACTED]: replicate tbh was because my flame preference in Reborn! was Mist and i thought illusions were the coolest shit [2:50:42 AM] [REDACTED]: (they still are) [2:56:12 AM] [REDACTED]: i picked solidarity because i would probably be a tactician type if that were in this game as not-DLC [2:56:23 AM] [REDACTED]: and for a bit of replicate synergy [2:56:33 AM] [REDACTED]: would have been inspiration but i don't especially consider myself one of those [2:56:50 AM] [REDACTED]: and axebreaker because we already have weapon advantage but we're driving it home FUCK AXES
  20. might as well throw this in here to bump the thread [:
  21. I think you think too much of me.

    1. Sheep


      No I don't. :[ You are a royal!

  22. I'd argue that she can probably knock it out pretty quickly once she gets into it, actually.
  23. ...I... did not actually notice you had the same thing. Huh. You know what they say about great minds. That's just one way of indicating that I only go in on people as retaliation for something else. WAIT IF I'M A ROYAL CAN I HAVE A MAGIC SWORD THAT CAN ACTUALLY PROC SKILLS AND CRIT????? PLEASE
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