Quite aware. I almost took Sumia from Chrom in my first Awakening playthrough but at the time I drew a real-world parallel to myself attempting to steal someone I was interested in for myself when they were interested in or already with someone else. Not that I did so at that time, but if I were a different type of person, the chance was there and in a way, I did do that eventually.
It's complicated.
This isn't the place for that.
Don't mind me.
Anyway, some of the support lists are shit-tier and should have definitely included at least one other character a la Jakob and Flora mentioned above, others I can't come up with at this very moment,
so I don't know what there is to be sorry about
As for chapter 7, it'll be much easier in future playthroughs if you guys are anything like me. I tend to play more defensively when I'm allowed to but I learned that this is a mistake. A number of my resets came from pacing issues where I got overrun by a group of enemies because I didn't thin them out when able.