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  1. ...sometimes. But hello, yes, I go by Alliana Cordova. Full-time student, part-time gas station clerk by day. Twitch streamer, musician, and general gremlin by night. Sometimes the latter bit bleeds into the daytime stuff. But that's another story for another time. Incidentally a streaming pal of mine is the reason I got into Pokemon Rejuvenation hardcore, and have ended up streaming it a bunch as of late. This game is GRIPPIN. I don't intend on linking any of that, if anyone is curious, they can go off and find it themselves. I don't feel comfortable just plastering my links all over a welcome thread. I've also done other mildly notable things in the past, which include being the voice of Slaanesh in Alfabusa's Emperor's Text to Speech Device series. I went under the alias "Alisaihin" during that time. I've been places, I suppose. I'd certainly hope so to some extent, at least, being 31 as of the writing of this post. Agh XD I was born in Kansas, raised in West Des Moines, IA. I then lived and worked as a welder in Pella, IA before making it to the backrooms of the state of Illinois. Neat state, but this town kinda stinks. But I'm trying to get into being an engineer, and I did extremely well in Calculus II, so we shall see how that goes. Writing a forum welcome post feels like a callback to my younger years and it's a weird throwback. Wow. Anyway, that's enough blabbing, hope to make myself at least somewhat at home here. c:
  2. I guess I shall introduce myself on this forum in this way? Henlo XD
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