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5 Fledgling

About GreyShadow

  • Birthday 07/05/2000

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    Nowhere important
  • Interests
    Pokémon… DUH
    final fantasy
    Kingdom hearts
    alt style
    Alt music
    Trans rights

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  1. Hey everyone I’d say how’s it going but I honestly don’t expect anyone to respond, it’s cool tho. Hopefully everyone is doing well. I’m ok-ish, I think I’ve gotten to a point where I know I’ll never REALLY be 100% ok.



    this is another request for some help, again can’t pay worth a damn I’m broke as hell. Passion project and all that, anyone who’s got any talent regarding anything when making fan games is welcome. Message me or respond here and we’ll talk. I don’t have any social media anymore sooooo, yea communication will be a bitch but we can figure it out. 



    beyond that however I just wanna say have a great day/night. Stay safe, and keep bein awesome 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GreyShadow


      I no longer have any social media, with everything going on and how nasty it’s gotten for lgbtqia+ people on near anything owned by meta I couldn’t go 5 seconds without a post telling trans people to off themselves. I couldn’t be on there anymore. I only really have my phone number and email. I totally understand if you’re uncomfortable with that. Hopefully we can still work together, I gotta get In touch with my other friend who’s helping while he’s in college, if you want any context about anything dm me on here. Sorry for the communication being really inconvenient. Just gotta look out for my mental health.

    3. GreyShadow


      And we actually need a sprite artist so that works out great if your still on board, also instead of payment in money the initial post stated you’d receive a character in the game albeit a very minor one as the story’s main characters are already decided. And to be upfront the games a bit of a self insert deal, both me and the other dev have roles within the game (I am the sole writer and creative director and balancer and shit I have alot lol) this is our first project as well and quite an ambitious one at that I will admit up front I’m extremely stubborn and a bit hard to work with at times regarding creative decisions. I hope that doesn’t deter you, hope to hear from you soon! Have a great day/night

    4. Simply-Ladon


      I'm Okay with using the DM on here, also like I've stated earlier, I'm not in this for money, I just want to hone my skills. I'm still willing to be on board(I really don't mind which Platform we chat in as long as it gets the job done😉😉). But being a character in game sounds way cooler to me anyway😅😅.


      I'll DM for more questions.


      Beyond that though, you should take good care of your mental health (You can't finish the Passion Project if you aren't mentally stable am I right?).  Try not to put too much stress on that little head, stay in touch with friends and family, if you can't cope, go for therapy. 


      I'll chat you up. 

  2. So, I’m still alive. 
    mentally I’m a little shaken by recent events. I live in the USA, so I’m sure people can figure it out. Being an enby isn’t the easiest thing here even where I live being generally pretty accepting. I got bullied off TikTok years ago and HAD to delete Instagram this week cuz it was nasty as hell on there. 

    so I’m alive that’s at least a positive.

    to my main point, been mulling this over a while and I’ve come to the conclusion that I need some help, I don’t really know where to post this or even exactly what to ask since it’s not a 100% gonna happen thing, me and a friend have been working on and off on our own HIGHLY ambitious pokemon fan game, we have nothing past the planning stage because it’s just the two of us and I’m the only person handling the entire creative side of it, so more to the point, are there any sprite artists and musicians who would be willing to help us out, anyone is welcome really, just over 18 years old please. I can’t pay you anything it will be entirely free labor. A passionate labor of love though. I’ve a general idea and overall story beats planned to a degree, I could use some help with the fine tuning as it’s definitely unique in the way that you aren’t allowed to catch Pokémon or even learn new moves it’s about the characters especially since they already had their major journeys. It’s pretty dark in a lot of places and I don’t plan to shy away from that stuff. If anyone is interested in helping me and my friend and by some strike of luck are also willing to put up with the fact that the story is essentially mine and mine alone. I guess message me or respond to this and we can figure out a way to communicate. FYI discord is a no go, I really dislike it. I’d be more inclined to give out my personal phone number over that lol. 

    TLDR: want some help with a possible fan game, but the story is completely under my jurisdiction. Open to criticism and possible changes but need more people on the music and artwork side of things. And I’ll need to talk to my friend about this as hell want to know and will more then likely be the person responsible for relaying messages back and forth between devs. 
    if you want info on the game before deciding there isn’t much rn as it’s in a strange transition period and I’m debating a lot of choices. All devs will be included in the game as trainers/ npcs depending on what you want. 

    1. GreyShadow


      Sorry if I wants super clear I have a tendency to over explain to the point of rambling my thoughts are too damn fast lol. 

  3. I’m still alive. 


    I uh really don’t have any updates. I am however VERY BORED. Anyone reading this hope you’re having a great day/night. Take care of yourselves! 

  4. I live. 

    I know I’ve been pretty inactive but I’m not great with people (shudders) 


    nor do I really know what to say soooooo


    ive been replaying rejuvenation again, and I’m having a great time. Just finished my 3rd run of desolation. Ngl debug is super fun to mess around with, I just like giving myself pokemon I otherwise wouldn’t get till much later and since one of my favorite Pokémon is silvally I just like starting with a type null. (Plus being able to edit its type and stats via the move text/mon text scripts is fun as hell) but umm back to my main point, once again absolutely loving the game the story the characters everything. To the point where I just cannot force myself to do renegade route. I just can’t do it lol. I suppose we can chalk it up to my lack of irl friends and the fact that Melia and crew honestly Feel like people I’d wanna hang out with (just like in a few years I AM 24) 

    But yea honestly the rejuvenation and desolation mayyyy have ruined every other fan game for me, because nothing comes close to the experience these have. I guess I just wanted to share my adoration and love for these games, as someone who’s spent the better part of this last year trying (and failing) to create a story for a game myself. I just do not have the tech skills to do it and the one friend that does just cannot commit to actually helping lol. Sigh so many ideas that will most likely never be realized. Sorry I’m rambling now. I uh haven’t actually spoken to anyone in like 2 days now lol, lotta thoughts not a lot of people to listen.

  5. Addenfall woods, go back north and then left. You gotta clear the foxes outta the woods.
  6. Hey, new here. Been visiting the site for YEARS. Glad to have made an account finally (why tf did it take me so long, idk) anyway. Hope everyone’s doing well. Just thought I’d say hello (I’m so sorry I suck at the whole people thing)

    1. Amethyst


      nothing wrong with saying hi. welcome! <3

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