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  1. Whaaaat You actually went and updated it just for me? Well I guess for anyone on JoiPlay but jeez. Thanks so much! It is totally functional now, woo! Coincidentally it is my birthday today so I will happily accept this gift hahah. You rock!
  2. No need to apologize, I'm grateful you tried to help. I can still use the other features of your mod so it's all good. Thanks for the mod & ongoing support!
  3. Well I'm certainly in a pickle then as there doesn't seem to be a traditional exe for the game, except for a file called "game.exe" in the Reborn folder. I'm assuming it puts things together from other places and that exe is just a placeholder somehow as it's filesize is 0bytes according to samsung file Explorer and there's no "Pokemon Shared PC" folder there or anywhere else on my phone that I can find. I thank you for your help but it seems JoiPlay hijinks is ending this party, no Shared box for me EDIT: I just tried manually creating a folder called "Pokemon Shared PC" in the Reborn folder... to no change whatsoever
  4. I understand, I saw you mentioned JoiPlay as an outlier for you in earlier posts. I will say though that I've been through the entire reborn game directory, save file location included, and cannot find any other file that mentions sharedpc or sharedbox besides the rb I placed in the mods folder. I'll try the discord but is there anything else you could recommend for troubleshooting if it isn't even making that folder as it should? Thanks again EDIT: I went and tried the Discord. Someone named enu in there tried to help me but believes that JoiPlay shouldn't be different than desktop in this regard, though they did mention that JoiPlay runs natively in portable mode. Does that make a difference for your mod?
  5. Where do I find that? Looking through the data folder in the patch directory I have 902 map files and one tile file, don't see anything for the sharedbox anywhere. I'm using JoiPlay on android if that makes any difference
  6. Hey Waynolt, Thanks for responding. No error message but when I put the sharedbox.rb in the mods folder my save file won't load. All it does is play the music with a black screen. I currently have the battle type announcer and egg move mods in there and everything is fine, but the moment I add in SharedBox.rb, it stops loading the save. EDIT: I also just tried adding the mod in and then starting a new game incase it was something about my save, but same black screen and nothing loads
  7. Thanks for the mod! The feature to call out types instead of just names of the next pokemon in battle is super helpful. I cannot seem to get the shared pc box to run on my version 19.5.10 and it seems from the messages here that it may not be working currently. Can someone confirm if that's the case or if I'm just doing something wrong? I have the mod folder with just the shared box and the type message in it, dropped inside my patch folder as instructed. Thanks and happy new year!
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