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Gym Street Zilo

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Everything posted by Gym Street Zilo

  1. FINALLY entering this. [b]Cloyster[/b]: Not Shiny Icicle Spear Shell Blade Shell Smash Rapid Spin [b]Ninetails[/b]: Shiny Flamethrower Hypnosis SolarBeam Nasty Plot [b]Blaziken[/b]: Not Shiny Fire Punch Hi Jump Kick Swords Dance Baton Pass [b]Hihidaruma[/b]: Not Shiny Belly Drum Fire Punch Substitute Earthquake [b]Charizard[/b]: Shiny Air Slash Dragon Claw Roost Flame Thrower [b]Torkoal[/b]: Not Shiny Lava Plume Stone Edge Earthquake Explosion [b]Red + Gold[/b] [img]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/8818/12232010.png[/img]
  2. GOTTA GET 52 FILLED BEFORE ANYONE ELSE! [img]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/8818/12232010.png[/img] I also need this one put in, its for the Magnitude League. I would appreciate it if people use it or it gets added as 219, but either way is cool [img]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/9593/poktrainernativeamerica.png[/img]
  3. I don't mind lending a hand, I got a Cloyster I use on my team that works fairly well. RS Cloyster Cloyster (M/F) @ Ice Jewel Trait: Skill Link EVs: 136 Atk / 120 SDef / 252 Spd Lonely Nature - Icicle Spear - Ice Beam - Toxic Spikes - Rapid Spin [The use of this set is so that you could use Rapid Spin to get off things like Stealth Rock, and still be able to deal massive damage. The way I use it is that I first lay down Toxic Spikes, and until the opponent uses Stealth Rock (etc.), use Icicle Spear to deal damage.] I don't know if its good or not, but it seems to work for me!
  4. I'm not dead! As you can see, my username says I'm Gym Street but those days are over. Instead, I'm starting a new league! The Magnitude League is a league I'm making, where all you need to do is beat a team of pokemon and have the ability to choose the Monotype Tier (1 wildcard only) to join, you also have to be a good battler and all that junk. There are currently 4 members, Aquario, Eagle, Unknown, and Ricky (me). I don't really forum often, so sorry if I'm not making much sense. Try-Out times are Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4-5 PM. I would appreciate it if you state your name and type here. And here's some specifics for you people. 1. No Legendaries 2. Keep your sense, don't whine if you dont make it or any of that stuff. and 3. I will make a sprite if you make it to join, just-so-ya-know.
  5. Gym Street is a made up group of non-real gym leaders that have traveled through Hoenn and Sinnoh challenging trainers, in this challenge you will use one team (similar to the league), and either go through the easy mode or the normal mode. You may use items, no legendaries except heatran*, no copies, NO LEFTOVERS/BLACK SLUDGE and you are given 3 times to switch out pokemon. *Heatran is allowed because in the Battle Tower the main guy has a heatran, so I think it's perfectly fine if you use one. All the Gym Leaders are played by me, and the key differences between NORMAL and EASY modes, are that Normal is all Double Battles, and the Gym Leaders have tougher pokemon. Here is the order: Water: GS Leader Ronny Psychic: GS Leader Vallery Ground: GS Leader Xander Flying: GS Leader Lissa Poison: GS Leader Kreek Dragon: GS Leader Macson Fire: GS Leader Ricky Bug: GS Leader Blitz Mixed: GS Master Zilo (Double Battle) There are imaginary badges that come with these guys, and I hope one day I can make a Trainer Case Signature for them. The way I do these is you ask for a time after 12:30 PM, and I tell you if you qualify or not. For the team entry, use the same format as the League challenge. I hope you lose, I mean win!
  6. My team entry: [quote][b]Dusknoir[/b] Shadow Sneak Ice Beam Fling Shadow Ball [b]Gardevoir[/b] Hypnosis Healing Wish Icy Wind Shadow Ball [b]Mamoswine[/b] Fissure Rest Earthquake Hail [b]Tangrowth[/b] Confusion Mimic Energy Ball Synthesis [b]Lickilicky[/b] Magnitude Surf Hammer Arm Zen Headbutt [b]Rhyperior[/b] Flamethrower Earthquake Dig Fire Blast[/quote]
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