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Shao last won the day on February 27

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About Shao

  • Birthday November 26

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    Right front of my laptop
  • Interests
    Tsudere, Tsudere, Tsudere, more tsundere boys pls
    Pokemon, FFXIV, Europa Universalis IV, Stellaris

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  1. Raise a Bisharp and let it use Iron Head and Sucker's Punch. Sorry Sucker's Punch is an egg move for it. Whatever. An Absol is Ok. Mainly to beat his Starmie. Raise a Regenerator/Reckless Mienshao with HJK and U-turn, and let your Charizard learn Thunder Punch to knock his Gyarados out in turn 1. Keep a wall pokemon on the field and you can use potions and revives in its turn. Set Reflect and Light Screen if necessary.
  2. Replace Whiscash with Gastrodon and let it learn Surf and Recover, let Lycanroc set Stealth Rock to cripple her team. Try to raise a Sharpedo and a Dewgong and let it use Sheer Cold to test you luck. Let your Blastoise, Wailord, Dewgong learn Surf. This move can lower the Accuracy of all Pokémon on the field and then your fight depends on your luck again. Mainly favourable. Let your Oranguru use Trick Room.
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