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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shao

  1. Raise a Bisharp and let it use Iron Head and Sucker's Punch. Sorry Sucker's Punch is an egg move for it. Whatever. An Absol is Ok. Mainly to beat his Starmie. Raise a Regenerator/Reckless Mienshao with HJK and U-turn, and let your Charizard learn Thunder Punch to knock his Gyarados out in turn 1. Keep a wall pokemon on the field and you can use potions and revives in its turn. Set Reflect and Light Screen if necessary.
  2. Replace Whiscash with Gastrodon and let it learn Surf and Recover, let Lycanroc set Stealth Rock to cripple her team. Try to raise a Sharpedo and a Dewgong and let it use Sheer Cold to test you luck. Let your Blastoise, Wailord, Dewgong learn Surf. This move can lower the Accuracy of all Pokémon on the field and then your fight depends on your luck again. Mainly favourable. Let your Oranguru use Trick Room.
  3. Phione. If Manaphy is the Prince of the Sea then you're the Pauper of the Sea, if Manaphy is IPhone then you're the pirated one named PhIone. Where is your Tail Glow, Calm Mind, Energy Ball or other useful moves. Okay then you're a water type wall. But why can't you learn some healing moves. Just compare with Gastrodon. Completely overshadowed by your daddy, but you deserve it. I will pick moody Glalie which has the same species strength but stronger and can even Mega evolve if possible :P So it's no wonder that you as a Mythical Pokémon yet can be caught before Badge 15 instead of in postgame.
  4. Drown in endless soft resets.

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