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surfing-raichu last won the day on February 14

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  1. i managed to successfully shiny hunt gimmighoul B) i didnt count the exact amount of resets it took but i'd say around 70 - 80 ? i am going to use the debug to change its stats and give it a nickname, but here are its stats when i got it if you guys are curious :) i know i couldve just skipped the hunt and made it shiny with the debug but it wouldnt feel as special to me personally if i did that. also the shiny odds are much different in spork vs. actual pokemon games so i really dont mind!
  2. while shiny icons arent a thing in spork, i made some for these guys as well!
  3. thank you! i also tweaked the shiny gimmighoul sprites a bit so it goes with the gholdengo ones :) it wouldnt make sense for the shiny to still have golden coins in this instance
  4. i dont mind if you do! also yeah, i really thought rose gold to be fitting because it is an actual shade of gold! i think making it bronze or silver colored would kind of imply that the shiny version of gholdengo isnt made of gold and instead made of silver or copper or something. either way i am happy that you like my sprite edit! :)
  5. i recently downloaded spork and i am having a blast with it :) i plan to hunt for shiny gimmighoul, however gholdengo's shiny is not exactly the greatest. with this in mind, i decided to edit the sprites a bit and made a custom shiny color. i am putting these here for others who might want them + so they dont just rot on my laptop! i was originally going to go for a bronze or silver color, however i think rose gold fits really well with the silver lines most of the coloring on the front sprite was done through a hex editor but i tweaked the rest of it through libresprite. the backsprite was done completely with libresprite
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