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  1. So, I just started playing pokemon reborn again and after i did some progress i finaly decided to do the Munna trade with bibarel at the peridot ward. But, instead, the game gives me an error message. Like this Message: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) Battle Trainer:69:in 'setForeignID' Trading:211:in pbStart Trade (eval): 1in phExecuteScript Interpreter:266:in 'eval Interpreter:266:in 'pbExecuteScript Interpreter: 1572:in command 355 Interpreter:405 in execute command" Interpreter: 214 in 'block in update Interpreter:117:in 'loop' Interpreter: 117:in update Scene Map: 106:in 'block in update Scene Map: 104:in loop' Scene Map:104:in update Scene Map:70:in "block in main" Scene Map:67:in "loop" Scone Map:67:in 'main' Main: 38:in "mainl unctionDebug Main:24:in mainfunction' Main:71:in 'block (2 levels) in <main> Main:70:in "loop" Maire:70:in "block in <main> (oval):79:in "eval [eval):79:in "block in <main> [eval): 71in 'each [eval):/1:in <main> i hope there is a solution
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