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  1. also could you tell me your ID, mine is marioluigi123
  2. i have got confuse with the time. I meant 18:30 of march 3 in utc-3
  3. tomorrow 6:30 alsoi'll guess your user name in the game is the same as the forum
  4. also, i already have a ditto, but if have a razor fang and you don't need, could you give it to the deino
  5. okay, i will give you the shiny beldum anyway, can you give me your username and a time to do the trade
  6. I'am not interest in IVs, nature or ability, i would just like a deino. I can offer a shiny beldum if you want one (it's ivs are 5 in hp and sp. attack, 8 in attack and perfect in both defenses and speed, calm nature and clear body
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