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  1. I tried again with a re download rejuv file and still wont work. I think it has something to do with day and night friendship evolution requirement. I tried it on umbreon too and it crashes. If its cool with you, may I get help with evolving both umbreon and espeon. Ill share the game file and the latest game save file too. there is a rare candy in the inventory you can use on both eevee, they both have high friendship. Thanks!! Game.rxdata Game - Ren - 68 - 60h 25m - 7 badges - Cubi Excellus.rxdata
  2. 1. I think I'm on the latest patch 13.5. I clicked on the updater and it says on latest patch 2. No my game is not modded at all. I'm playing vanilla 3. How do I go about sharing my save file?
  3. Can't evolve my shiny eevee to espeon. It's showing this error message. I tried evolving other pokemon and it works, just eevee to espeon. Please help ;-;
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