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Summer last won the day on April 4 2013

Summer had the most liked content!


1 Neutral

About Summer

  • Birthday 01/02/1999

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  • Alias
    #rip summerrr
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    livin the dream, kid

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  1. hi everyone this isnt my comeback thread. tbh I had completely forgotten about this place ;( the only reason i remembered was because recently my brother downloaded the pokemon reborn game and he was crazy raging about it. i must have entered like 102 incorrect passwords to get in here. good job ame and whoevers working on the game peace out but honestly though cant believe this community is still alive. im kinda prouddddd !!!!!! shoutouts to whoever remembers me, the true homies<3
  2. what's poppin amigos

  3. bye im gone like the wind woosh

    1. Cowtao


      See you next time.

  4. Summer


    giveaway is over. i'll decide what to do with the remainder. need a mod to close this. peace guys. <3
  5. bout 12 more hours till i end the giveaway :)

  6. Summer


    if you say so. Thank you!
  7. haha i remember this 1. Learn to handle spice. (I can't take Macdonald's packet chili and it makes people laugh about it CHECK 2. Learn to Jumpstyle. (i got shuffling mastered and all but fuck that everyone knows jumping is the way to go) jumpstyle is stupid so i went for hip hop instead :> 3. Have cash. (basically stop spending $999999999 on useless shit) CHECK 4. Have irl friends. Self explanatory. CHECK 4.5 shoot for gf (lol jk i will never have a gf ;-; it's a stupid dream. 5. Learn to draw. (preferably cartoon style) never found any interest in drawing 6. Be nice to everyone i meet so i will probably win jack frost next year DIDNT GET JACK FROST BUT CHECK 7. Do my homework on time and avoid teachers and their whatever shit they pull out. CHECK 8. Be less of an ass. eaz 9. Try to save up $600 so I could probs get a new phone at 2015 got one from friends <3 10. Be a man. LOL
  8. Summer


    mfw my trainer card is almost three times older
  9. Summer


    sup ayy spy's so unbalanced it's bullshit
  10. Summer


    if ur smart u'll post happy new years and add me on steam but ur dumb so no $$ and u suk at tf2 #loser jk i gave you the cash
  11. hi im advertising my thread come visit if you're dirt poor :>

  12. Summer


    who r u '-' jk <3 u to death dd
  13. Summer


    yea say bye to them rupees man you never said happy new years selfish jerks :<
  14. Summer


    eat my stick kid i won pokemon reborn
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