I'm gonna spout some stupid shit that I would be probably too embarrassed to re-read and edit so if you're confused over what I'm trying to say--Just don't.
I know I said I'll be back April, and here I am! Well, just for today. See, the thing is, I'm 15 years old. I should be out there making friends irl instead of being an introvert and my only means of making friends through the internet.
It's stupid, really. I noticed that people who doesn't have company irl are really, really, lonely. Sure, everyone can have 10000+ people on the internet who know about you and everytime you get online, they'll be like "Oh hey ___!!!" or "whassup ____" (I'm not good at greeting people)
But what I'm good at, is knowing, understanding that through the reality and the internet, nothing's as good as having someone to actually sit down and talk to (digital or reality) and I want, I crave this connection between myself and some other person.
So, what's the purpose of saying all this?
I don't know. I wanted to talk about my current life situation, but it's reeeeeeally complicated, but what's happening now, is a girl is messing my life up -- not what you think it is. I...I'm not good enough for a girlfriend :,( This girl - she dates every single of my friends and turn them into different people with different personalities and really. My bff, he used to be a great listener until now he's just a cocky, short-tempered asshole. I still have friends, but I'm not close to them at all.
So I took a break from Reborn in March, to see if I can at least try to make new friends, or even start talking to my bff again. I did a lot of things that I didn't usually do:
1. I stopped cussing.
(I wanted to make myself a better person and try different words instead of using 'fuck' for every sentence. Notice how I haven't said the f-word until now?)
2. I became sociable.
3. I helped people in whatever way I can -- And it works! If you help a person in every little possible way, even if it's just lending a pencil, he'll be grateful, even if he doesn't know it yet, People will start coming to you and realize you're chill, and bro stuff happens after.
What I realized over March, friends are fickle beings, You shouldn't base your identity on being popular and having these particular friends. They come and go, but will you? Doesnt only apply here, it applies everywhere. Remember Mockingbird or Cloud? They were the coolest friends ever (no pun intended on winter) but they came and left. We gotta move on, and I, i gotta move on.
I'm not going to be in Reborn as a regular anymore, I have too much on my plate to be an active member of Reborn, and frankly, I don't feel for Reborn anymore. Maybe it's all the 14-15 year old kids who come in the server and type stupid shit. (LOL SUMMER UR 15 TOO xD) Maybe it's I'm not actually being noticed when I'm in the server and participating in conversations. Maybe I'm just a really jealous kid that is begging for attention like that beggar you saw on that street holding up a metal can with his surgically implanted eyes that originated from a puppy. Whatever. The server doesn't have the magnetic pull that it used to have on me, and I'm not forcing myself to stay any longer.
That doesn't mean I'm not gonna be gone forever, though. I'll return whenever I feel like, and it's not gonna be often. And with this, I'm not sure whether Sakuna Uta would still leave a spot for me -- I mean, I'm declaring absence from here, my space would be like -1 space for others to join. I haven't spoken to Miku or Kaito yet (I will when I get onto the server), but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to leave the clan.
Throughout my 3+ years with Reborn, it's been fun, really. You people taught me stuff I needed to grow up, and you guys made me laugh along with your stupid jokes and antics. (Most memorable event of my life in Reborn was wolfjob SU Pirate Roleplaying) You guys gave me adivce I needed, and sappy sappy whatnot fills this paragraph.
Thank you people of Reborn, especially these guys, for being my friends.
If you guys still wanna chill with me, I'm forever on steam, or the pokemonreborn reborn facebook group that no one is ever active in.
getting the hell outta here byeee