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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Summer

  1. >less then six hours to 2014 >not making 2014 resolutions that you will never follow wat Here, I'll start off- 1. Learn to handle spice. (I can't take Macdonald's packet chili and it makes people laugh about it :(how rood ) 2. Learn to Jumpstyle. (i got shuffling mastered and all but fuck that everyone knows jumping is the way to go) 3. Have cash. (basically stop spending $999999999 on useless shit) 4. Have irl friends. Self explanatory. 4.5 shoot for gf (lol jk i will never have a gf ;- 5. Learn to draw. (preferably cartoon style) 6. Be nice to everyone i meet so i will probably win jack frost next year 7. Do my homework on time and avoid teachers and their whatever shit they pull out. 8. Be less of an ass. 9. Try to save up $600 so I could probs get a new phone at 2015 10. Be a man. yeah i'll probably only follow up 1 of them but it's good to make a list once in a while. what's your resolution?
  2. and from that day forth overhealing scouts were a thing

  3. oh why don't you suggest mega khan over scizor and talonflame + aegislash too?this team isn't bad, if you're up against 6 wall mons. you entire team rely on that +1 or +2 to do something - sucide leads like aerodactyl can easily tear your team like tissue paper. you have focus sash on vivllion which could probably cut you one turn safe but let's be honest. priority is everywhere from gale wings to extremespeed, your one safe turn is actually not your favor at all. i can see this team dying against skarmbliss reallu really hard. you can also bluff yourself into thinking "oh this mon can tank this" but really your team has little recovery support- basically a snowball. if you lose one, you lose all. i won't go into your mons cuz they're all super similar but your rmt probs deserve 6/10 cause it's never good to get a 5/10 or below. i highly suggest throwing out some of your 100000 sweepers/tanks for a wall
  4. expect ze unexpected my brother i predicts fush ze roo
  5. oh boy new year's eve

  6. today i wore a fedora. from this day forth i am extremely euphoric.

  7. It's made in the signature; you've to put in your own sprites and what not.
  8. keeping quiet is the best way to avoid people telling you to shut up and fuck off

  9. for pete's sake we have a irc chat in pokemon online geez

    1. Kamina


      hi how are you

  10. [insert epic meme] xD

    1. Skeleton


      what up you meme loving fuck

  11. you're slow, it's called Poke-Place Reborn
  12. Summer


    Banned from smogon xDD
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