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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Summer

  1. Cause I can finally fly after looking like a complete idiot as Bagon.
  2. I'm a Salamance, isn't that obivious.
  3. ^Has no idea what he's doing here
  5. All I ever got was Breloombot and Mute City
  6. It says Google Chrome is now available
  7. And while I'm at it, NO
  8. I'm still undergoing my voice changing process. So yeah, screw puberty.
  9. Honestly, I feel you should try making a sun team WITHOUT legends, but overall, Not bad, I say
  10. God. I made a thread about making pokepuns and it just...ded
  11. Downloaded it finally after 30 minutes! Oh wait, an error. No prob I'll just redownload. Just have to wait FOR ANOTHER FREAKING HALF AN HOUR.
  12. I don't understand why Jnyx is even in there. You seriously need a Fire Wall
  13. Ice Shard on Abamasnow is a lot better. With Sword Dance boost plus STAB and potential weakness to Ice, this will defintely pack a punch
  14. ...A one-year supply of manure! Crap, my computer is lagging...
  15. I can't bayleef how good you guys are, keep it up!
  16. This plan is not foolproof, let's say, you meet up with already slow pokemon. What are you gonna do? Make them slower?
  17. Recently, I noticed most people has been making unoriginal puns. I would like to take this moment for you to think up some seriously original puns, not some crap from the handy internet. Have fun thinking~ Let's start off at once... Good Eeveeing guys!
  18. Primape shouldn't be in NU... That thing has amazing potential!
  19. ...Threatening to Animals? Down to my last pokemon, it's okay, I'll just...
  20. That Meinshao set is very usable plus Why do Zapdos have Discharge instead of t-bolt?
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