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Everything posted by Summer

    1. Summer


      Let us bask in the new age of Zombies and Fairies!!!!!!

  1. Also added in Call of the Haunted and Exodius the Ultimate forbidden lord. CotH is great when your opponent tries to MST it and you pull a surprise Nepthyst out. By default, CotH destroys Nepthyst and it'll come back again! Exodius is only so good for Hand's tribute and putting tbe nimbles back in the deck. (Fezzdog's idea) Any suggestions are welcome!
  2. >not asking summer to make genius sigs for you

  3. >not watching the video your song is playing to
  4. ...............you do understand how the game goes yeah? go godot!
  5. chinese electric batman!!!

  6. I did notice! I-It's just that i wasn't paying attention is all inb4 khayoz
  7. That's not really trolling...See, trolling is something like telling someone to pronouce out out 'i m n s' and laughing them off as stupid.
  8. i'LL TAKE YOUR BUNNELBY - (tell me whatever pokemon you want) Also, I'm online now till 4 hours. Hit me up on the Server whenever you're cool.
  9. Wow guys you should really predict me +1 posts, I'm always one post after c: Also- come to mama pwb
  10. >mamoswine>frolass >walrein Ok so I may have misunderstood your words or sonething. Sorry then.
  11. tfw made a dead thread

  12. lol wtf u smokin, m8. >implying garchomp runs stone miss over fire blast for extremely decent coverage and accuracy Also all that you've said till now are only dragons aren't good competitively, and their inability to deal with Ice, and how UU mons can deal with them and whatnot. You're not correct, you know. Dragons are OU for a reason: their incredible movepools and their stats. You claim Glaceon could handle Garchomp before, why wouldn't a standard Garchomp expect Defensively Ice types and use Fire Blast? You can argue, >m-muh faires and their s-stab moonblast and bulk NO. Iron Head and Flash Cannon is a thing now. Even if it doesn't KO your Fairy eevee thingy, it'll still do about 60% forcing you to switch out or let it die the next turn. You can bring all your UU mons into OU, and dragons won't be the only thing there. Usually a steel type like Scizor deals with what the dragons can't and the dragons finishes off the game. Dragons don't need to be SE to anything, it just need to be really hard at hitting, which most of them are! (Save altatria- the thing hopeless). Therefore all that you've mention obviously didn't go through your mind before you typed.
  13. Yugioh thread! Everyone loves cardgames, especially when it's on the motorcy- jk. Anyway, I'm here to show off my decks, and have Reborn's Yugioh community harshly judge it. Unlike my other yugioh thread, this one is actually proper and do not include trolol methods to summon a certain something. You may post your own decks as well, tho I'm certain your decks are all shit and haven't been updated to this current format which is waaay superior. (do them in spoilers) Alright, here. Yugioh Dueling Simulators: www.duelingnetwork.com (browser based) www.devpro.org (download) Also extra discussion topic - Which simulator do you prefer?
  14. You must be /really/ bored to come to the Game corner. That being said, YOU'RE WRONG. HAH. inb4 fezzdog
  15. le bumping random old threads that no one will ever participate actively again like a le boss :3

  16. lol you watKarp! Karp, karp! i predeek godot
  17. Everyone take out a piece of paper and draw their best impression of a cat climbing a wall. Singing contest! (the sexiest voice wins!) Kai+vash in swimwear Kai+vash in maid outfit Kai+vash in sailor uniforms Kai+vash in bed- /shot Get some pictures tho.
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