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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Summer

  1. OMG IT'S SOMEONE WHO'S GLORIOU- IT'S ME! lol jk i predict mael
  2. Nope! if next member to post isn't of an extremely important status and glory, I will hand out Ace Membership to anyone who asks for it. C:

  4. I-I came! Cowtao says he isn't coming on anytime soon; he''s sorting his life out. I'll bet Cobrakill
  5. tfw you're the only one on the server after so many tries

    1. Summer


      here's kamina and i passing time


    2. Summer


      aaaaand I'm disconnected.

  6. Delphox (F) @ White Herb Trait: Magician EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Overheat - Reflect/ Light Screen - Psyshock - Shadow Ball This set is a pretty fun set, as so to say. It doesn't live very long, but at least it'll hit hard with OVERHEAT. Yeah, Overheat has a base of 140(?) and accompanied with Delphox's considerably well Special Attack, it guarantees at least 70% neutral damage, or even a OHKO. White herb lets it use Overheat again, and by then you'll have no more items. That's where Magician comes in. If you didn't kill it, steal from it! The other moveset are pretty self explanatory- even Shanco did a explation on it.
  7. is the server ever going to be fixed or do i have to wait till next year

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Summer


      that's the joke

    3. Shanco


      eh, not fixed actually

    4. Kamina


      in that moment in time it was. should have known it would crash again e_e

  8. While the server is in chaos, we'll take this chance to overthrow Amethyst and claim Reborn as our own. Join us!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mashew


      Pffft I already overthrew Amethyst, nyu made me owner. R.I.P reign of doll and squid

    3. Skullkin


      lolno. *is an Ame-loyalist*

    4. Joker


      can we still keep ikaru as a pet?

  9. I'm always behind you, my man. Magic karp killer
  10. that fucking feel when someone ends their sarcastic sentences with ":3"s. It makes me want to tear them apart so oh so much
  11. Do not spam. Do not use chatspeak. DO NOT BEG The guy said he's beind the game, it was meant as a joke. I don't know either, don't ask me.
  12. gg poke-place. gg

  13. requeion is best santa. Also, if you're Cowtao and you happen to see this, say "moo" please. c:

  14. You're supposed to predict, man. i think of kamina!
  15. If you see this, Cowtao, say 'moo'.

  16. i like how no one pointed out that kamina and i cheated at the predict thread >>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shanco


      Oh, I noticed. I didn't want to ruin the fun though :)

    3. Pokelord


      I cheated also. You Are Not Alone.

    4. Kamina




      / \

      next time we will take over the zamba game by spamming bob

  17. You're wrong because I'm not regular. Fezzdog?
  18. I can't read what you're saying, man.
  19. holy bazooka sp many dead people I think kamina will maybe should would appear
  20. -1 human on earth arise delicious kamina
  21. Le gasps i shall call upon the sexy berserker to appear
  22. how this even possible???? u kno, out of the many people in reborn i suspect kamina will appear
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