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Status Replies posted by Tringus

  1. Today was awful. In 1st period, I put my arm on my desk, and I started to space out a bit, and then some bish goes up to the teacher and says I was sleeping. The teacher made me stand for 15 minutes, and I told her I wasn't sleeping, but she said I was. Then I started to cry and some people started laughing at me. The only people who believed me were my two friends. Keep in mind, this girl has done this before, but not this bad. She had a cocky smirk on her face and I wanted to cause phys...

  2. So yeah, I finally got Smash and Xbox One with Halo 5. We good.

  3. Link + Tingle = Linkle?

  4. Man, Super Mystery Dungeon is insanely hard. It baffles me that they made such a difficult game these days.

  5. Man, Super Mystery Dungeon is insanely hard. It baffles me that they made such a difficult game these days.


  7. I'm a 20 year old man who bought an Eevee plush for himself, and I don't regret it.

  8. Finals are upon us once again. I wish everyone going through them here good luck and see you in 3-4 days when I can have some free time to update the Pokemon Darkness thread.

  9. So first time playing Elder Scrolls Online since the closed Alpha and Beta. Let's see if it catches my attention this time.

  10. So first time playing Elder Scrolls Online since the closed Alpha and Beta. Let's see if it catches my attention this time.

  11. Do she got a booty?

  12. I repeat: YOU SHALL NOT...

  13. Rumor has it that the new Pokken character being announced later this week is going to be Sceptile. I am down for this. Though I would like to see a Pokemon that is more Plantlike to represent the Grass type.

  14. Heads Up: Nintendo has a big announcement for Monday. Ridley confirmed?

  15. It's the season of CHRISTMAS!!! And THAT means that it's time to be EXTRA NICE instead of NAUGHTY! Huh huh yeah!

  16. is it a bad thing if i'm actually beginning to get really annoyed by all the undertale talk on all the corners of the internet i lurk on.

  17. It's a dark day to see Project M go into retirement. It's even more sad that nobody can ever download it again. R.I.P. Project M

  18. Did you know Popular Science Magazine's latest issue claimed the new Battlefront game was one of the top technological innovations of the year? What's even better is that their description of the game is factually wrong. They say it's the first Star Wars game to have a Hoth level.

  19. Did you know Popular Science Magazine's latest issue claimed the new Battlefront game was one of the top technological innovations of the year? What's even better is that their description of the game is factually wrong. They say it's the first Star Wars game to have a Hoth level.

  20. Did you know Popular Science Magazine's latest issue claimed the new Battlefront game was one of the top technological innovations of the year? What's even better is that their description of the game is factually wrong. They say it's the first Star Wars game to have a Hoth level.

  21. The crossbow in Skyrim is awesome

  22. "there's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world it'd be a pity to damage yours" best line in princess bride and you never hear anyone quote it why is that?

  23. Pokemon Darkness NOW HAS A TWITTER! @PokemonXDrkness feel free to follow if you are interested in updates on development :D Thanks and can't wait to show you what we have planned. ;D

  24. When did everyone become obsessed with lemons?

  25. Posted a new recruitment topic ;)

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