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About Bluewolf

  • Birthday 07/01/1999

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    Bluewolf, Wulfgang
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    Music, animals, sleeping, food, language, skyrim, pie and COFFEE!

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  1. Saying Hillary could bar someone from practicing their religion (the first amendment) is just as absurd as saying Trump could alter the fourteenth amendment. They're part of the constitution, a document purposely created to be near, if not by nature, impossible to edit. Same goes for the second amendment, can't touch.
  2. That feeling when there's been a jesus-ton's worth of drama going on but you hadn't detected it until someone told you.

  3. This is a lot I apologize Q~Q
  4. I don't know if this has already been said but... DR is almost literally the board game Clue: Anime version. What will Japan come up with next? Monopoly? JENGA?!
  5. Unlike my classmates, I will not be able to vote in this election (b-day is in the summer and I'm still 17) But if I could, 1A and 2A
  6. How come every year, when the temperatures settle around the mid to low 50s, everybody is inspired to wear shorts and flip-flops? A crime against fashion AND common sense.

  7. Coyotaje, a term I'm more familiar with. Also this is great and all, but quite honestly what's Trump's plan for actually winning the election. You know, becoming president. Because we can sit here and debate what's true and what's false, who said what and did what where, but that doesn't change the fact that Hillary Clinton has an average 6.4% lead on Donald Trump, leading 262 electors to his 170. So unless Donald can...well, become someone not Donald J. Trump, then his battle is a bit more uphill. Although apparently he's a master at all things concerning the "element of surprise" so I'm eager to see his plan to gain 100 electors in 19 days.
  8. I know a thrown out of proportion conspiracy video when I see and those are most certainly up that alley. I mean on a scale of 1 to "ALIENS" this is a "the pyramids were used as grain silos" I do enjoy all of this "not right" rhetoric. It's not right or it's seriously messed up. 1. You misunderstand the American people, or moreover, how people in general work. There is not an if, and, nor but about this: people will be profiled. You know what else we're fighting against? Public shooters. You know, that thing that has escalated quite a bit in the last few years. I don't see anybody calling them "White people who have no home training". And how come after all these shootings we haven't called these people terrorists? "Oh no, Freddy just has mental issues" and is DEFINITELY not a terrorist. But the second you officially label Muslims as terrorists don't you dare act surprised to see a rise in violence. Our enemy is People, not the religion. And if you knew anything about Islam, you'd understand that the practices ISIS does are nowhere near what the Quran says. "The Quran says to do bad things" yeah well I don't see you stoning your mom for making you clean your room if your Christian so don't even try that mess. 2. There are no charges. She was found to not have done anything indictment worthy. No one is going to jail. It's been discussed and concluded. 3. Refer back to #2 4. I don't even...ok. That is a logical l fallacy, burden of proof to be exact. If my outlandish claim can't be proved wrong, it must be valid. But if I told you that Emma Stone dresses up as a green frog a rides a unicycle in her basement, you'd be less likely to believe me. Again with those videos, where is the guy with the big hair who says "Aliens!" when you need him. I'm not gonna even spend anymore time on that. 5. Yet again that makes no sense, whatsoever. Soooo....our concern has switched to women who cross the border illegally being sexually assaulted or attacked by coyotes. And the people who sexually assault these illegal women are other illegal immigrants...? 1) This is Mexico, you leave your house you get bit by a coyote. I don't see people in North Carolina becoming shut-ins because of mountain lions. 2) This little thing with the raping just keeps flip-flopping. I don't understand where people thing that rape is a purely Mexican trait. Rape will still happen to women all across the country. Whether if it's a white, mexican, black, asian, or whatever man. [Women get raped by illegal immigrants, therefore, Illegal immigrants are major contributing cause to rape] is one of the most illogical syllogisms I've ever seen. These are problems that cannot simply be resolved by closing up shop. THAT is true cowardice and a failure of the American people and government to be honestly introspective with itself and ask "What can we fix for OURSELVES." instead of blaming everyone else likes its done for centuries. 6. And what? The solution is to nuke any all Arab sates? To persecute those who follow a certain religion despite being citizens of this country? "Sometimes you have to do the hard thing" The hard thing is admitting that bad people do horrible things to any kind of person without thought of the greater impact. That is reality. To say pin bad things on the existence of certain kinds of people is shying away from the hard truth. It didn't even need to be a white guy, enough white guys have shot up schools and stores already these past 3 years. 7. Well I like to sniff fresh dog poop but that can't be confirmed because I only said it non-jokingly. His actions? What has this man done that the American people have benefited from? And don't say jobs because if I recall correctly those workers didn't get paid. 8. Ok wait so when some law dropout conspiracy theorist releases a bogus video of a voice that is supposedly Hillary's voice saying some stuff, all of that defines her? So, Hillary is held to a different standard than her opponent. What he says is to be taken lightly and what she says condemns her as the devil. And Trump has the never to say this election is unfair. Ok, fine then. Prove to me that Hillary is the spawn of Satan and bring me her spiked tail and THEN I will believe your claims. Also he has no plausible policy and his economic reform is detrimental because America is a country, not a casino. Yeah there was no crushing to pieces of anyone, especially not Hillary. And no matter what Trump does, he will 1) Look like an idiot and 2) Lose. It's not like it's a secret anymore. That's...pretty much the end of the possible outcomes of this debate. It'll be fun to watch though. Personally I hope his comments about altering the 14th amendment are brought up. Because any Congress would totally let you get away with that.
  9. The message. Oh yes. That beautiful, righteous, empowering message. If I can't win, the game was unfair. Yes, preach. Because whining DEFINITELY isn't something that many conservatives like to charge millennials with doing. And is nobody gonna talk about the previous Secretaries of State? Nobodies gonna ask, well what did they do with their emails? As if those previous secretaries hadn't done the same thing? She was probably just following protocol that was given to her than the others before her did. After all, the use of emails and other technological communications is a fairly new world concept, especially for someone as old as Clinton. Moreover, she's discussed, refuted, and answered this "email scandal" for the entirety of her campaign. So don't go saying that the media doesn't portray because they just looove to blast her for it. Even after she apologized and said what she did was wrong and that she mishandled them. And people have the gal to scream "lock her up" because ignorance is a sacred way of life that dare not be obstructed. A subpoena, for those of you who don't know, is a court summons. It's not a conviction. It's not a charge. It was declared that her actions were definitely a mistake, but definitely not indictment worthy, and that's something that needs to that has been disputed and concluded. Fin. And nothing about the Pulse shooting tweet? Nothing about Blacks living in hell, Latinos and Mexicans being foreign gangbangers, rapists, and job theifs, nothing about a large group of his supporters starting the hashtag #Repealthe19th so women can't vote and Trump can win by a landslide? "Yeah Trump has said stuff but look what Hillary has done" yeah she's done stuff but an entire world of good for the people of this country. Everything she's done with education, women's health and veterans, all absent from the news. "Trump creates jobs" yeah tell that to all of those workers he didn't pay. "He's a businessman" well everyone praises Andrew Jackson as one of the greatest presidents because he had no national debt, but because he was too dumb and shortsighted to fix all of his inflation, he implemented the Species Circular and throwing the country into another depression right before jumping out of office and leaving it to his faithful secretary of state to clean up and take the blame for. But it doesn't matter. Its too late in the game. His words are the death rattle of a foolish soldier who thought it wise to rush head on into enemy fire, now lying in the dirt with one hand, no legs and a chest full of bullets, making unintelligible curses through a throat clogged with blood. He is finished. This election was decided when the candidates started running. Now all that's left is to sit back and watch the fireworks.
  10. Oh fun. For one, you don't get to decide when, where and how someone comes to terms with sexual assault. There is not a time limit. Yes, there are many many facilities are support groups of which one can get counselling on their traumatic event. But saying because those things exist is like saying "Because calculators exist, everyone should make an A on the math test". Also, do you follow American football news? Any at all? Well at least once a year there's a sexual assault/rape allegation against one of the players. Usually some college girl final piping up to the news station, years after a shady night at a college party. No one seems to hesitate to both investigate and believe the victim. We're all familiar with Bill Cosby, and no sooner did those allegations come out did the memes start appearing and his name was thoroughly raked through the mud with fearless abandon. Now lets side over to our good ol' buddy Trump. The guy has faced a handful of other sexual harassment lawsuits before, so I wouldn't but assault past him. http://www.vox.com/2016/10/12/13234224/donald-trump-jill-harth-sexual-assault It's not a discussion of how long he talked about or even about what acts he was depicting, it's a discussion of basic human decency. But I guess that's what the new norm should be. Children looking to their fathers and thinking "I guess that's what he does to mommy". Let me explain you a thing: this is no longer an election. This is a battle. A grand, desperate fight in the American political Colosseum where not a dirty punch is spared. Yes, you are definitely correct that the releasing of these videos was timed and calculated. Oh you can bet they were. It's not like the other side wouldn't do the same though. Only 2 minutes? Oh no no not just two minutes of inappropriate "locker room talk". This man was vividly describing to his audience as to how he flexes his wealthy muscles to "woo" females into submission. But there's nothing wrong with that, obviously. If its not laid out in the format of unsupported emails distributed by Wikileaks then no one wants to hear it. And if you wanna talk about shame just look through Donald's tweets concerning the Pulse shooting. Such an explosive topic that I'm surprised hasn't been touched, not even by Pence, but I shouldn't be surprised. This is a dude who used the largest shooting in history as a second amendment pivot so could get one of his biggest donors, the NRA, to buddy up to him. There was that whole fiasco about Obama not being an American citizen but people nowadays like to pretend that never happened. Let's also flashback to the first debate where Hillary says that Trump leeched off the misfortunes of the housing market crash, but as he said, that's called business. Jump back to the second debate when he's asked about that recorded 2 minutes. His explanation was just great, as he explained how his "locker room talk" wasn't anywhere near as bad as what ISIS does, hence it shouldn't even be an issue. Mexican immigrants bringing crime to the U.S.? Well I wouldn't doubt that a few of them got into some illegal action but is it really so much crime that we can simply turn our heads from the domestic violence and shootings we already have? Or is that Mexico's fault too? Speaking of domestic issues, let's talk about what he said about African Americans and how they live. How ignorant, rich, and self-centered do you have to be to not realize that black people do everything they can with everything they can to help their community and fellow African American? Or, also in the second debate, explaining American Muslim terrorists get away with what they do because other Muslims won't report them. Because of course all Muslim people know each other and a wife can totally overpower her disgruntled, armed-to-the-teeth husband. But I think the most aggravating thing I've found in all of this is the "the agenda". All of the sudden, when the media portrays something somebody doesn't want to see, there is now an "agenda". Well there has always been an agenda. There will never not be an agenda of some kind. Whether it's supporting girls to play with barbies or to vote democrat, there is always an agenda.
  11. Stick. With. The fucking. Plan.

  12. Oh sure I can learn this, but not on top of the 26 other things I have to learn in the same short amount of time goddamnit! Ugh these people testin me with this bullshit.

  13. ^You should definitely have this
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