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Neo last won the day on April 4 2020

Neo had the most liked content!


45 Developing


About Neo

  • Birthday December 8

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    Cigarettes, Afternoons, and Cacti

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  1. I've not played the game a single bit, but seeing the work you've put in all these years has been nothing short of inspiring. Congratz, friend. Hope you take a much needed break from any sort of dev work because lord knows you deserve it.
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    1. Neo


      I love that you still do this even when the forum is dead. It's pretty based.

    2. LykosHand


      Yup, no matter what i will always do this 😉

      Also *based clap* 😄

  3. Just went through my old PMs. God damn, I was an angry little negro. Love you Reborn, thanks for putting up with me for so damn long.

  4. You ever think about how it's not anyone's job to dole out these lessons? Like, what purpose does this mindset serve? If someone is being a dick, they're not doing it for the person on the receiving end's sake, they're doing it to cut down the person they're speaking to. Treating others with respect shouldn't be based on expectation of reciprocity, but because you operate in a way that is innately respectful to other people. The pep talk you're giving effectively minimizes OP's feelings, and I think you should reflect on why you're taking this approach. Sorry the this happened to you, young monarch. You deserved better, and Reborn is capable of that. I do hope this hasn't soured your image of our wonderful community.
  5. Since I’m finna be more active again y’all may as well know what I look like at this point in time
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  7. I'll hop in on this. Summoner Name: Circumambient Primary: Support Secondary: Top/ADC
  8. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  9. 'Preciate it bro. I see you're a bit of a Hip-Hop head. Always cool to have another one of us lurkin'. It's been a good long minute man. Even with all the shit that's happened and us talking a whole lot less I want you to know that I consider you one of my best bros here.
  10. Thanks fam. I actually don’t like the game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Haven’t played it enough to really have an opinion on it Bless up bro, thanks Howdy, ‘preciate it ‘Preciate it bro, I missed y’all a lot so I’m real glad to be back. You know you can always add me on fb Mr M[redacted] M[redacted]
  11. Good to meet you too bro, and it feels good to be back. Eyyyy pretty boy
  12. ‘Sup babes, I guess this is my “old member coming back” reintroduction thread. To all my old Reborn peeps that know me: I missed y’all how’ve you been? How’s life treating you? For all the newer folk that’ve come here since I took a leave from the server/non-Ace parts of the forum: Hey what’s up, I’m Erick, certified best member of Reborn since 2011. I’ll be sticking around for a while, so I’d love to get to know you all. Feel free to ask me just about anything, though this isn’t an official AMA thread.
  13. 'Sup babes

    1. Felicity


      Not much, typical community hype brewing as a new game episode gets ready to come out.



  14. Thanks man, 'preciate it a ton, and you're right I'm 100% gonna have this baby face for a hot ass minute.
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