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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Neo

  1. Okay I wasn't sure what to ask you because I don't know you so I'm just going to ask you a lot of random questions. You brought this upon yourself by making it an AMA. (also don't sugarcoat that's lame)

    1. Do you have a tumblr?

    2. Which current auth member do you feel should be promoted?

    3. What was the last YouTube video you watched prior to reading this post?

    4. Are you libertarian or conservative?

    5. What game genre interests you the most?

    6. Same but with movie genre.

    7. Which user have you found yourself disagreeing with the most, and why?

    8. Are you religious in any way?

    9. What is your Myer-Briggs personality?

    10. What is your favourite Pokemon?

    11. Do you have/have you had any pets?

    12. Do you smoke?

    13. Coffee or Tea?

    14. Is there any part of how Reborn auth deal with rules/punishments you disagree with?

    15. Is there any non-staff member you feel should be promoted?

    16. What is your favourite colour?

    17. Boxers or briefs?

    18. What do you think of memes?

    19. Do you follow any celebrities?

    20. Do you read any webcomics?

    21. What about anime?

    22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?

    23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?

    24. Where would you like to go on holiday?

    25. What is your favourite meal?

    26. What do you look for in a friend?

    27. What do you think makes for good qualities in a leader?

    28. Are you a superstitious person?

    29. Is there anyone you feel should be demoted?

    30. Do you play anything competitively?

    I was going to go for more but I'm lazy.

    Jesus, Alice. Aight, let's get it.

    1. Do you have a tumblr?

    I keep up with fashion in East Asia more than I do Europe/America because the designers are a lot more bold and less meme-y. Hence, my blog:


    2. Which current auth member do you feel should be promoted?

    I'm only really familiar with the PO power structure that we used to have. Though Lidarose for Leader.

    3. What was the last YouTube video you watched prior to reading this post?

    4. Are you libertarian or conservative?

    Modern American Libertarians are meme-tier when it comes to politics. Conservatives are jokes. :^) Personal freedoms + Big govt to oversee things is way to go

    5. What game genre interests you the most?

    Farming sims like Harvest Moon.

    6. Same but with movie genre.

    Shomin-geki are my favorites.

    7. Which user have you found yourself disagreeing with the most, and why?

    Jericho. shit tier opinions, tbqh He's got an entirely different perspective on things.

    8. Are you religious in any way?

    Nope. Though, Deism doesn't seem too bad.

    9. What is your Myer-Briggs personality?


    10. What is your favourite Pokemon?


    11. Do you have/have you had any pets?

    Had many pets. Tons of dogs. Now I have 3, and a cat that has decided that I'm her owner.

    12. Do you smoke?

    Only occasionally.

    13. Coffee or Tea?

    Much to the chagrin on my significant other, Tea.

    14. Is there any part of how Reborn auth deal with rules/punishments you disagree with?

    Yeah, stop warning me for saying n****. I'm black. Not really. Much of it is within reason.

    15. Is there any non-staff member you feel should be promoted?

    Me. Yes, make Ikaru a real auth again.

    Not really, tbh.

    16. What is your favourite colour?


    17. Boxers or briefs?

    Boxers when I'm just doing day-to-day. Boxer briefs when I'm taking nudes :^)

    18. What do you think of memes?

    Most are shit. Some are gold.

    19. Do you follow any celebrities?

    Follow follow? No. Though, I keep up with Erykah Badu, and I have a few celebs on snapchat that I check daily.

    20. Do you read any webcomics?

    Not since I stopped reading Hipster Hitler.

    21. What about anime?

    Stopped watching most anime. Just kinda go back to the things I like. (Young Black Jack tho)

    22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?

    Depends. If trying to not be an asshole to absolutely every possible group of people is SJW worthy, then yeah.

    23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?

    Ya boy has teetered between straight/bi for like years now. I reckon I'm bi and just lean hetero.

    24. Where would you like to go on holiday?


    25. What is your favourite meal?

    Shit, this is tough. I really really like steak with a some sides, but I think Mofongo con arroz y chicharones will do it.

    26. What do you look for in a friend?

    I don't actively look. If we gel, we gel.

    27. What do you think makes for good qualities in a leader?

    Ability to speak your mind. Have a clear focused train of thought. Be ready to navigate every possible outcome

    28. Are you a superstitious person?


    29. Is there anyone you feel should be demoted?

    Ikaru doesn't do anything. Let him go. That's a tough one. Lemme actually pay attention to shit around here for a minute and I'll tell you.

    30. Do you play anything competitively?

    League of Legends.

    Do I hate you?: You're pretty cool, Alice. I can say I like you.

    but do you love Shichimiya

    also hi frankly this is the only question i could think of because im awful at asking questions but it's very important.

    Sanae best girl.

    Love you, Inuki.


    I'm blind, sorry.

    I have seen you around the forum(and the nightclub). I can say you are one of people with strong opinions, which i'm really like honest.

    I can say too that you had some negatives feelings to the forum? Which is alright for me.

    And here goes to my question. If you were an admin(or the guy so is responsible to make the rules) in reborn forum, what rules would you change or add?

    Probably lighten up on Rule 3. I think trolling within reason is fine (As such, I'd bring back the shop items that let you fuck with people). I'd also scrap Rule 8 because it's pretty silly. Like, it's clear English is the main language of the community, but to have a hard rule against others being used is fucked.

    Do I hate you?:

    You seem pretty cool. So, I'mma go with nah, I don't.

  2. I've noticed throughout the time I've been here that your avatars have been mostly Asian women. I'm curious as to why?

    You've been here since May, no? Most of my avatars this year have been music related. Song Ji Eun/Kisum are two of the women that I've had as avis this year. The other being Kanye who is most certainly not an Asian woman. My current avi is one I had last year around this time.

    Do I hate you?:

    Probably not.

    1. What did the American Medical Association do to earn your hate?

    2. If you could travel back in time and kill a dictator before they did anything wrong, would you?

    3. Warning Obligatory Undertale Reference: Would you smooch a ghost?

    4. Is this the Krusty Krab?

    Edit: Sorry, Medic.

    1. AMAs a shit. Look at what I started.

    2. Nope. Butterfly Effect, yo. Though, I'd slap the ever living fuck out of either Christopher Colombo or the fucker that came up with racial theory

    3. I haven't even played that game. But hot dog stacking seems fun

    4. May I take your order?

    Do I hate you?:

    You're still a wee baby in Reborn time. Pls b safe

    Do you hate me?

    Love you.

    It's me, the worst type of person.


    • Why did you have to do this to us? Why could you not let this die?
    • What should I call my inevitable AMA?
    • Technically not a question, but recommend me one song that you really enjoy for whatever reason.
    • How difficult is producing nightcore?
    • How has Reborn changed your life?

    1. Sorry, Shiri. Blame Kuro.

    2. "I'm a big fucking copycat just like Scarlett and Ikaru"

    3. Peach - IU / Oh Boy - Cam'ron


    5. I wouldn't be the person I am today without Amethyst going the fuck in and laying down the facts.

    Do I hate you?:

    You know damn well that I do not.

  3. 1. What's your proudest/most notable accomplishment?

    2. Since you don't like your username, why not change it?

    1. Graduating entirely too early and thus stunting my social development.

    2. I'm Neo. It's gonna stay that way.

    Do I hate you?:

    Nope. You just confuse the fuck out of me sometimes.

    couple questions, one of which is way more important than the other- I'll leave that judgment to you as for which.

    • Will you be upset if I actively (not one-trick-pony tier but you know) play AP Sona mid lane - assuming there are at least 3-4 other friends with me - because it's not hard like Azir the only thing I have basically unshakable confidence in?
    • I stumbled across these one way or another (parodies, mashups, vines, etc); would you be able to give me more stuff like this either from the respective artists or just in general?

      the feels and/or reality here man it's good

      honestly this is the only nicki minaj song I've actually listened to myself, and it's not like I blindly hated her, but I heard like 4 seconds of this song in a vine and went to check it out and didn't actually know it was her

      let's not talk about why I know song or you'll be disappointed in me more than you may have ever been. this beat tho


      i'm sorry

    EDIT: also after posting this the page refreshed and I saw your signature again; I actually recognise it for once, AND the song it's from, do you love me yet

    1. No, I only get frog posty for the league threads. Do you, fam.

    2. From Gambino check out Because the Internet. He's also good friends with Chance the Rapper and Vic Mensa. You might like those guys too.

    Nicki is my fucking wife. Check out Pink Friday and the Pinkprint

    You're gonna need to listen to the rest of Good Kid Maad City if you like Swimming Pools. Then hit up Section 80

    I like Chuunibiyo. No judgement.

    Do I hate you?:

    I love you, Squid.

    It's not that hard to find that. You just gotta dig a little deep. (And yay, I'm not on your shitlist)

    I guess a followup question(s) is due.

    Who was your favorite league leader? How far did you get in the league? Who was the most challenging leader for you? Additionally, was there a specific pokemon that you would crown the "MVP" of your league challenge team?

    I don't want to make a new post already without another valid question or something so I'm going to steal yours thanks tacos; if his favorite leader wasn't Titania he was wrong.


    Fave leaders were Heather and Titania. I was actually shit at battling for a good portion of the league's lifespan. I think my record was 4 badges. By the time I actually got gud, I didn't even want to challenge the League. Tempted to hit up Redemption, tho.

    Specific Pokemon that I'd crown "MVP" of my shitty league team? Quagsire.

    At one point I was supposed to be a leader for EXC, but that fell through ;_; (Ground type best type)

  4. Oh man I'm kinda nervous to even ask this, but it's something that I'm generally curious about:

    From what I've read of your posts, it's pretty clear that you're not happy with how Reborn is nowadays as a whole.

    I'm wondering which specific factors have contributed to that the most?

    Is it how the focus of the site has shifted from the league to the game? Or the growing size of the community, as opposed to it being, well, smaller? Or the behaviour of individual/groups of people?

    As one of the pesky newbies I only know a small fraction about how things used to be, and I'm honestly curious about what people perceive to be the biggest changes.

    I'm a literal Ama, so feel free to hate me for this uncreative joke already.

    Biggest contributing factor:

    I'm a whiny nostalgic piss baby that's been complaining since '13.

    Probably just the shift in attitude around the forums. Some of y'all are so :DDDDD about everything it's weird to see. Lack of personality across the community is definitely something that's made me shy away from reconnecting.

    Do I hate you?:

    It takes balls to come here as an ama and ask me things. I like you.

    Did you ever play Pokemon Reborn itself? And if no, do you ever plan on doing so in the future?

    Also what is your Rap Album and Song of the Year?

    SOTY: Drill Time - Slim Jesus

    AOTY: Speeding Bullet2 Heaven

    I tried the game like once early on. Got bored because I barely even play Pokemon nowadays and stopped.

    AOTY: TPAB/Doc 2.5

    SOTY: Hello - Erykah Badu ft. Andre 3000

    Do I hate you?:

    One of the few people that seems to enjoy the same kind of hiphop as I do around here. I'm looking at you, Jericho

    In which way would you say the Reborn community evolved from, say, 4-5 years ago to now? Other than that there are more members.

    community a shit

    A lot more fractured. Like, more little groups all under the same Reborn umbrella. It's neat seeing little sub-communities.

    Do I hate you?:

    Named after my favorite fruit. 2good


    Do I hate you?:

    Music Man's friend > Music man.

    but I like music man too

    I've actually wanted to learn so many of these things for a while now. You're definitely one of the most intriguing members on this site, so I'm really interested to see all of these answers. I actually have a couple questions to ask, but since most of my biggest questions have already been asked, I'll ask some more minor questions.

    1. Where did the name Neo come from?

    2. Country or city?

    3. If you could meet any person but only say one sentence to them, who would you meet and what would you say?

    4. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

    5. And finally... Mad Lemon or #pigswag?



    2: City. By far. I need internet, not bugs and bullshit.

    3: Malcolm X: "Thank you."

    4: Africa > Europe and USA

    Free people globally from the bonds of systemic racism.


    Don't do this to me. Lemon is a prime meme. #pigswag is the best emote on this forum

    Do I hate you?:

    You're actually one of my faves.

    Okay I am also a little nervous posting here.

    Would you prefer it if no-one who was attracted by the Reborn game was here or that everyone who was attracted by the game was here?

    Don't be nervous, friend.

    By here, I'm gonna assume you mean Reborn in general. I've met a lot of cool people thanks to the game. Not only that, but I feel like the game gave Reborn a whole bunch of new life that it really needed.

    Do I hate you?:

    You seem cool, fam. I don't dislike you. We'll see if I can like you with time.


    snsd for life

    i'll definitely listen to some of the others when i have the time \o/

    and yus! i'm liked. i can go to sleep happy

    also, if it helps, i think of ame as a toaster, or a kitchen disaster on heels. c:


  5. Since this is all my fault, I volunteer as tribute!

    During your long expanse of time here, what would you say was the most defining - Be it interesting, annoying, or anything of the sort, as long as it caught your eye - moment you've witnessed/experienced?

    Also, does senpai notice me?

    The "most defining" is kinda hard. Though, being banned twice is definitely up there. I was able to come back with an entirely new frame of mind. Other than that, little talks with Aim here and there have gone a long way.

    Do I hate you:

    Nope, you're lowkey on of my faves.

    What is the thing you like the most?

    I know I posted in the "favorite thing" thread saying hentai, but my actual favorite things are cacti and tea.

    Do I hate you?:

    Nope. You remind me of my Russian friend Vlad. Y'all are very very similar.

    Why did you originally come to Reborn, what's made you consider leaving as of late, and if you could, what is the one thing that you would like to change about the community?

    I used to server hop on Pokemon online. Eventually came upon this little server, became their league champion, and left. I noticed Reborn one day and saw that they had a league of their own. I signed up, got my ass kicked and stuck around for the company.

    I've kinda wanted to leave for a bit because I just felt like I've A) been here too long 2) Grown apart from the place I once called home. I've since realized that home is what you make it, and now I intend to be more involved around here.

    As for something I'd like to change:


    Do I hate you?:

    Nope. You're also lowkey one of my faves. (Gj the other night btw)

    You have some of the nichest avatars and signatures I've seen, using actual people instead of drawings or photos like the weeb asking this question, your sig being the most notable one I can remember cuz short term memory. Who are some of these people, where do they come from? My guess is KPop but I'm not sure.

    All over the place, tbh. Often times, they come from my blog.

    Do I hate you?:

    No, even if you do listen to nightcore

    is mad lemon the best shitpost why or why not

    Literally the best post on this forum

    Do I hate you?:

    Not in the slightest. DD top 3 mod

    which kpop groups do you listen to?

    I haven't been listened to some for a while, but I used to listen to lots of them. :s

    wew lad

    SNSD, 9Muses, Sistar, AoA, Red Velvet, Apink, Orange Caramel, Secret, and f(x)

    Do I hate you?:

    I've seen you around the forums and actually like you. Kudos.

    You're a person of strong opinions, i like that and i respect you for your viewpoints, since i agree with most of them.

    What is the base of these ideas? What is the moving force behind your judgments? Basically, what do you think is 'bullshit' and what do you think is 'right', and why?

    The moving force behind many of my opinions comes form wanting things to be different. Wanting actual substantive change. Valuing the lives of myself and those around me that much more. It's 110% about ensuring the best for people in general.

    Do I hate you?:

    Can't hate someone with a Mandela quote in their siggy

    I'm mostly just wondering if you hate me or it's more of a "if you could just shut the fuck up sometimes" kind of thing.

    You cool, fam. We don't see eye-to-eye on certain things, but that's just life. The fact that I talk to you shows that you alright in my book.

    Do I hate you?:

    Read what I said, dingus.

    did r7 exist when you first joined

    Which one of the older members should be here right now to witness what this place become?

    Rule 7 was "Respect the hat" when I joined. That's a bit of a hard one, though. I reckon Geo would get a kick out of how Reborn is now.

    Do I hate you?:

    You A1, and I've grown to like you more as the Welcome Squad's antics have calmed down

    Can I sign up to be a member of the mad lemon cult?

    You know what you have to do.

    Do I hate you?:

    You love Lemon. I love you.

    If there was one thing about Reborn that you wish you could bring back, what would it be?

    delete the game

    The league, and Amethyst's direct involvement with the community. (I know it's two, but fuck you) I really miss getting my ass kicked AND I miss having Aim around. Now she's like this weird enigmatic figure to all the newbies (edit) instead of the loveable goofy but crazy smart lady that she was when I was on the come up.

    (19:27:28) +Amethyst: I just fucked up.


    Do I hate you?:

    You really gotta ask? I think you know that I like you.

    What's made you stay all these years?

    Don't get me wrong, I like you being around and it would suck if you left imo but I'm just curious since you've been on and off active, y'know?

    Fuck if I know. I've typed up my goodbye post like 5 fucking times. Get me off of Ms. Liddell's Wild Ride.

    Do I hate you?:

    Fuck you, Andy.

  6. Hi, everyone. My name is Erick. I'm one of Reborn's longest standing users at this point clocking in at nearly 5 years (entirely too long if you ask me). I was contemplating leaving, but I've decided to stick around for a little while longer. I'm probably gonna be more active around the community. For those of you that know, I fucking hate AMAs. The trend is so god damn annoying, but this time, I'm gonna be that asshole that starts the wave.

    Feel free to ask me anything from reborn related questions to personal shit. I'm an open book.

    Included with each answer will be whether I hate you or not (Idea courtesy of Kurotsune)

  7. I see your point about the different opinions. I'm not agreeing with these opinions but a line needs to be drawn when it turns into harassment and bullying. I don't know about you but telling someone to kill themselves isn't the right way to go about expressing your opinion. I've seen this happen with my own eyes, I didn't agree with the opinion but I didn't step in to argue, people pushed and pushed, telling her "Kill yourself CIS scum". She eventually did. I'm not talking about the jokes people make, its the people who take it too far, actually believe that all CIS are transphobic and bigoted.

    I can assure you that when they state "all cis/white/males are transphobic/racist/sexist" it's not to attack that group as a whole, but to hold them accountable. If the word "some" is used, it's incredibly easy for memebers of the oppressive group to remove themselves from the equation. Furthermore, most cis people are complicit in anti-trans power structures, fam. (I got some good ass reads on it if you want, just pm me)

    I only visit r/grandorder and r/monsterhunter, pretty small communities (relatively.)

    @BrutaLotus r/whatever is a subreddit, and /letters/ are boards on sites like 4chan.

    Typically the smaller the subreddit or at least the more focused the subreddit, the better it is. The defaults are literal fucking cesspools.

  8. As someone who frequents on tumblr, there are some very problematic people. It's the people who use their disorders or the fact they are part of a minority to undermine others. They claim to be Social Justice Warriors but honestly, things like Down with CIS is not social justice. If someone has a different opinion than them, they will swarm, attack and bully mercilessly. They do not care. Often they all stick together so it's easy to avoid them, but one wrong post can get them onto you.

    From my understanding of 4chan (I did do an assignment on it), there is some good and some bad and it depends on what board you are on. 4chan has done some good, they gave birth the lolcat meme as well as the rickroll and Chocolate Rain. They also seem to be vigilantes who are against rape and animal abuse. But there is some rotten eggs which we hear about more, such as the celebrity nudes, child pornography, and other boards which have been mentioned before. But you can only stumble upon these boards if you look for them.

    Overall, Tumblr and 4chan, in my opinion, are on par with eachother. I don't know about reddit because I hardly go on there.

    If you can't differentiate between marginalized groups making jokes within their safe spaces (i.e Down with cis, white people = demons) and actual oppression/bullying we're gonna need to have a talk. Trust me, I've seen the type of people who have "different opinions". They're more often than not about keeping the status quo and the continued issues that these communities face.

  9. 4chan isn't nearly as bad as you would think. Reddit is similar. Each has a few really toxic/fucked up boards (/b/, r/atheism, /v/, r/watchingpeopledie) but for the most part they're communities like any other. Did you know that 4chan has a /lgbt/ board?

    Reddit is a very very shitty place. Literally closet racist central, fam.

    That being said, there are a few subreddits that I hang around. (Notably /r/hiphopheads and /r/leagueoflegends)

  10. Yearly update

    Name: Erick
    Age: 20
    Birthday: December 8th
    Location: Texas
    Height: 6' 0"
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Dark Brown
    Live With: Mom, brother, sister,
    Pets?: Oscar and Vienna (Mini Dachshund) Dakota (Black Lab), Orange Juice the cat
    Relationships?: Cheeks
    Crushes lately?: ^
    Dream Job: English Professor
    Currently Playing: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, League of Legends

    Favourite Food: Medium rare porterhouse steak
    Favourite Drink: London Fog Tea
    Favourite Color: Yellow
    Favourite kind of Music: Hip-hop
    Favourite Band: Metric
    Favourite Album: The Low End Theory - A Tribe Called Quest, Last Fantasy - IU, Mama's Gun - Erykah Badu, College Dropout - Kanye West
    Favourite Game: Harvest Moon
    Favourite Genre of Game: n/a
    Favourite Hobbies: Films, Gardening, "Fashion"
    Favourite Movies: A Story of Yonosuke / Chungking Express
    Favourite Shows: Ghost in Shell 2nd Gig, You're the Best Lee Soon Shin, King of the Hill

  11. Can't say I know the exact reason, but if I had to take a guess, it's because League is not the only game played by people on Reborn, and the popularity of a game should not constitute it as pin-worthy.

    League is by and large the second biggest game on the forums. The pinning of the general and this thread were more than justified.

  12. Sorry for double post. But you never did.

    I'll make it quick

    Placing all things Japanese on a pedestal is fetishization. Rather than seeing the country for what it is, you carry around a romanticized version of it an boil it down to the traits you like. You may as well walk around saying "I actually have no respect for Japan as a nation and the people/culture(s) that make it up".

    Shit ain't groovy.

  13. So, I think I'm missing something major here... As I see it, Hunter, formally Hilda has used the Hilda alias since joining, and has revealed the true identity, yes, using someone else's photos may of not been the best thing to do, but forgivable. I don't see why you all are saying Hunter should be stripped of the "Global Mod" position and everyone has lost all trust.. Please fill me in on something that I'm missing. In conclusion, I see most responses as an opinionated shit storm. (Not saying that this one isn't.)

    The same way a politician can be impeached for lying while doing their job, the same ought to apply here. How someone who couldn't even be honest with the community is supposed to have a hand in running it is beyond me.

    This ain't got much to do with Hilda/Hunter and I butting heads either. If anyone else in their position did the same thing, they'd deserve to lose their spot. Perhaps this ain't the best time to talk about it, seeing as how this thread is more focused on Hunter's reveal and not their standing within the community.

  14. I've got a question. Why haven't you been stripped of your auth title? Nothing personal, but I don't think that after this you're fit to continue holding the position. (Granted quite a few of y'all ain't, but that's another topic for another day)

  15. Sorry angry lemon, placeholder is being abandoned.

    I honestly wish I could say this came as a surprise, but it ain't. I'm gonna level with you, fam. You've done nothing brave by making this thread. It was purely defensive in nature. I'll commend you for apologizing, but even then it seems very much like you're going through the motions. I don't ever expect for anyone around here to fully trust you, especially because of the position you held within the community. If you're really as devout a Christian as your persona, then you know that god forgives. Quite frankly, that's the only place you're going to be able to get true forgiveness.

    I've got much more to say, but I'm not going to go forward with it. At least for now.

  16. mrw


    in all seriousness, im not exactly sure if i can say i was surprised. making a joke out of all this would honestly be in bad taste and all i can say is i hope you know things are going to be wildly different than they were before. forgiveness is a tall order when one has been lied to for such a great amount of time.

    Angry lemon f5883514c68fca1e3a616d5a3bfa52fb.png

    This is a placeholder for when I put my thoughts down on this.

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