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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. The "guy at the end" is Thanos, the mad titan.
  2. (16:53:16) [Ninja] Erick: >> (16:53:17) [Ninja] Erick: << (16:53:18) [Ninja] Erick: >> (16:53:19) [Ninja] Erick: << (16:53:19) [Ninja] Erick: ?? (16:53:22) [Ninja] Erick: Dx (16:53:23) [Ninja] Erick: FUCK (16:53:24) ~~~ [Ninja] Erick has commited suicide. ~~~
  3. The quoted post is a complete work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything in the quoted post as fact.
  4. I would've loved school if all it consisted of was Calculus, Geometry, and Band.
  5. Let's hope he doesn't pull any Whedonverse bullshit if he directs the next one.
  6. Bout time you guys got auth. Congratz.
  7. >Both my idea anyway. All of my wut.
  8. Seems like a very generic rain team, so not much I can say.
  9. I may be a bit blunt, but the main thing that ST chandy boils down to is common sense. Sure, it can trap you, but ever heard of type coverage? A lot of teams have multiple Pokemon that can deal with Chandy no problem. There's nothing difficult about Chandy if you have the skill to stop it. By now if Chandy is sweeping you, then you might want to seek out a tutor.
  10. Way too Singles orientated. You'll need to be ready for multi-battles, if you plan on succeeding.
  11. What rank are you anyway, Mael? E-?
  12. Why don't I see the Tentacruel line? >_>
  13. So much changing in two years. They already were xd
  14. Are you guys not allowed to go get food??
  15. Final version Look at your sand team. Now look at mine. Now back to your's. Now back to mine. Sadly, your sand team isn't mine, but it can look like mine! All you need to do is get some originality. It's so powerful that you have no choice but to make a winning sand team Landorus will look like a weenie! Skarmory will look like a butthead! That excadrill will look like a dumbdumb in comparison! All this is possible with originality Oh by the way, I'm on a Gliscor In yo' posts, editin' yo' rule 9 out~Hark
  16. We go by many names. Yank, NWO, Myn, SS, Anbu Sex Squad, Bitch Please. The only members that you Rebornies know would be The Traveler Arab The others lurk, and walk the dinosaur.
  17. Neo


    Hi Jump Kick has 90% acc. Secondly, you're getting pretty situational. The majority of people won't bother with Sand Veil, because it's Ubers on Smog and Beta. It could become an issue here, but even then it's unlikely. There's also a nifty feature known as switching.
  18. So my clan means nothing to you people? (Funny cuz we're ALWAYS here) I could see a future with clans on Reborn if it stays this size.
  19. Neo


    Banned for being a Mael. A certain Mael-y mael. a Mael-y Mael that Maels... Mael-y
  20. [quote name='Rinny' timestamp='1334046233' post='31424'] [size=2]Go fuck yourself. >:U[/size] [size=2]You're the ugliest Feebas that ever existed. >->[/size] [/quote] That means I'mma be the most beautiful Milotic. Thanks
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