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Everything posted by Neo

  1. (00:34:57) Tree: . (00:35:00) *** Not [Ninja] Erick goes to by an axe *** (00:35:07) Tree changed teams and is now known as Amethyst. (00:35:26) *** Not [Ninja] Erick goes to by gem cutting tools *** (00:35:33) +Amethyst: Why? :C (00:35:48) [bH-X]KhouryTennis13: gem cutting tools *** (00:36:03) [bH-X]KhouryTennis13: GEM cutting tools (00:36:08) [bH-X]KhouryTennis13: :C (00:36:10) Not [Ninja] Erick: > (00:36:10) [bH-X]KhouryTennis13: XC (00:36:24) *** Not [Ninja] Erick ties Amethyst down, and starts the laser. *** (00:36:25) [bH-X]KhouryTennis13: Dosen't sound nice.... (00:36:35) +Amethyst: y u do dis (00:36:49) Not [Ninja] Erick: I want a nice Amethyst brooch. (00:36:54) Not [Ninja] Erick: You seem to fit the bill (00:36:59) +Amethyst: D: (00:39:33) *** [bH-X]KhouryTennis13 steals amethyst's BAD DRIVING skills *** (00:40:18) Not [Ninja] Erick: Did someone say Ame's bad driving ski- (00:40:19) ~~~ Not [Ninja] Erick was hit by a flying ice cream truck. ~~~
  2. It means that 'ole Thundy wrecks his shit.
  3. He has your entire set covered. There's no real need for a third set here.
  4. What makes your set different from Rodaku's? Besides EVs and Nature.
  5. [quote name='Rinny' timestamp='1333996678' post='31355'] [size=2]Actually... Nah... I'm not a Bidoof. I would be a... Err... A... A Luxray..! Serious at the times needed and kinda playful..~[/size] [size=2][b]EDIT;[/b][/size] [size=2]I could be a Misdreavus too..~[/size] [size=2]I like to mess with people..~[/size] [/quote] Needs to be a Magikarp with fins made out of Everstone. Anyway, in addition to Kazam and Dewgong, I'd dig being a Gliscor or T-tar. Scorpion Bat? Fuck yes. Rock Dragon that fucking smashes mountains? Fuck yes x9001
  6. Neo


    Banned because I haven't battled you in a while.
  8. Doc, y u no reuse old thread?
  9. Stealin' my thunder Good luck with the shop, Author Guy. (I see people abusing your prices. Should probably charge more.)
  10. I like what I see from the screenies. Is it really too late for my idea? I'd loove to get a crack at Lin for the X-League championship.
  11. Missing EVs, Only one physical attacker, Dark types will give you hell, Scizor has the potential to give you hell.
  12. A decent rain team set up by the leaders will run right through you. 2/6 weak to water. 2/6 weak to ice. Vaporeon will be the only Pokemon with the ability to put a halt to it. As for Vaporeon, it really has no place outside of rain. It just can't handle it.
  13. Neo


    Why would an OU team go toe-to-toe with a Kyogre? Not to mention the fact that most Kyogre are choiced. (Choice Scarf Kyogre, anyone?) I have to say that Chandy might not be the best option for a spin blocker. Perhaps Gengar?
  14. You seem to love the environment a lot, so tell my; Why are you a Vegetarian/Vegan (Can't remember which). Overgrazing is one of the biggest environmental issues the world faces, and not eating meat is adding to it. Sure, you can say that the fields wouldn't be overgrazed without meat production, but consider how mad the problem'd be without the meat industry. Cows'd run rampant. Fields would be nonexistent. There'd be a larger amount of Methane in the atmosphere. Just something to think about.
  15. Seeing as how leaders is an issue: why not just have this season as the normal league, then the original leaders as the X-league? Then throw in little sidequests within the story, and the big ones after.
  16. Neo


    That switch is a double-edged sword. One one hand you get the spin blocker, but on the other hand you add another weakness to hazards and a water weakness.
  17. I've already been Miracle Drugged, so bring it. Why so intent on drugging people?
  18. Neo


    You're gonna need a spin blocker to keep your hazards up. In addition to the spin blocker, Rapid Spin might be a good on idea on Forretress. Seeing as how Volcarona gets wrecked by hazards, and you don't want Dnite's Multiscale to break. P.S. You're missing EVs on Dnite, Hachet Face, and Magnet.
  19. Why rain as your dominant weather/team? I know "Ame" means rain, but that can't be the only explanation. Why do I envision you with a much more fatherly tone than what you really have? Why do you appear so scary? Why so serious? Are you trying to hide the fact that you're in Blood on the Dancefloor? Why am I asking you these things? How have you been lately? We never talk unless I'm in trouble. Why is that? Why haven't I talked to you about the podcast yet? ARGH! No more questions. For now.
  20. hmm Why won't people buy from my art shop? Why do I butt heads with the newer people? Why do you remind me of my therapist? Ever play any sports when you were younger? Why aren't you as powerful a deity as Nyu?
  21. Neo

    Rain team

    Tells him about ice problems >Has team of altaria wut?
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