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Everything posted by Neo

  1. I'm currently banned until Sunday.
  2. Oh yeah? *Gets unbanned on Sunday* Permanent KOTH right there.
  3. Skill Swap fails with Wonder Guard and Multitype.
  4. I'll take your word for it, Garrett.
  5. Hilbert: So, while you're trying to eat my meat.... Hilda: ewww wtf Bianca: ... N: Sound like Wincest to me^^ Cheren: Why did I come with you guys?
  6. #39: If your Ditto goes to Sunday school it is no longer a whore.
  7. ThenewpeoplegotonebeforeIdidqq Happy Birthday. *Tosses them each a nickel* Now don't spend it all in one place.
  8. Ame, you wouldn't happen to be part of "Blood on the Dance floor", would you?
  9. *kicks Wolf's shin* I'm the king of the hill
  10. Why haven't I posted here? Ground Rock Steel Electric Flying. Easily my best types.
  11. Someone good with sprites you say??
  12. Might as well update. [quote name='Neo' timestamp='1307612088' post='15638'] [color=#9932CC][url="http://www.dragonflycave.com/newpay.aspx"][img]http://www.dragonflycave.com/wpay/banette.gif[/img][/url] Seems about right [img]http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img] [/color] [/quote] [url="http://www.dragonflycave.com/newpay.aspx"][img]http://www.dragonflycave.com/wpay/tyranitar.gif[/img][/url] Both are incredibly legit.
  13. That's another issue that can come out of this. We've heard so many stories that it's hard to actually believe him. Kinda like a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" scenario.
  14. ^That. There's also the fact that his circumstances don't excuse that behavior. It may not be my place to say anything, but I figured that I'd provide my two cents.
  15. Neo


    Banned because my Plusle and Minun will tear your team apart.
  16. I'll get my boys on them if you want.
  17. I've been missing out on too much sleep. This can't possibly be healthy. Sorry if I bite anyone's head off.

  18. Dude Ragequit after he lost mod. Tried to make the ones who wanted him gone look bad. (Damn this phone for ruining my grammar ;
  19. Not much I can say, since I'm on my phone. Leggo: Out of respect for your fiance, I'm not going to say your name. Now, I've been waiting for the right time to say this. Better now than never. Where do you get off causing this amount of emotional turmoil here, and expecting us to NOT hate every living ounce of you? Not only did you abuse your powers as a mod, but you flat out lied to this community for about a year. Then suddenly you're out with it and everything is supposed to be peachy keen? Do you realize what you made out of us? Fools. Knowing that the person we hated, or in some cases, loved was only your way of ensuring people liked you. That is inexcusable. We never did receive a sincere apology. Then you have the gall to ragequit, and make us look bad. I'd say more but my phone's dying. You don't deserve the sweet guy as your fiance. Not after the hell you wrought here.
  20. I'm fully aware of that Mael, and I've been working on it. So then all that remains is the question: Who has the balls to tackle the big white elephant sitting in the corner. (Tbh if anyone does it, it should be Inuki)
  21. Can't protect feelings all the time, Ame. It's better for the person in the long run.
  22. This one is more of a calling someone out rather than ranting.
  23. If someone doesn't address the elephant in Reborn here, then I will. (It won't be nice if I say it) We all know ( well the older ones at least) know what I'm talking about.
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