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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Neo


    Welcome to Reborn. As far as us being friends, that'd be based on how you act on the server. We'll see when I get back. Although. I hope we can be friends.
  2. You know you're a noob when you rage before the battle is over, and forfeit on your last Pokemon to stop the sweep. Like a certain poster in this topic. (Yeah, Dom gave me the log.)
  3. I WILL find out how to get that on my Wii. Oh and STOP MISUSING THE EMOTES!!!! :feelsgn:
  4. You broke #10 xd I'll start posting logs in a bit.
  5. cacturne<-- Not cool enough Cherrim!
  6. Silly kids! We use Vapor. Go there. <<>>
  7. Neo


    Didn't Riolu already have a thread? xd
  8. Last Words: Bitch Please {Insert son's name here} you must go to the dagobah system U mad? Problem? I'm outie 5000 Don't touch my stuff kthnxbai Epitaph: lol that was fun mmm Doritos Now I'm dead (Like a boss) Look behind you Go away Return the slab All I can think of for now. I'll be back.
  9. I'll be editing the OP with the fix'd version of this.
  10. Neo


    Welcome to Reborn. When I get back I'll battle you. I love NU.
  11. Way to be condescending, Batl. I'll edit this later. Gotta wait til I don't have an idiotic professorto listen to.
  12. I still would like to try Darkrai for OU.
  13. He needs to be able to last obviously. Can't do that if I can't take special hits.
  14. Couldn't keep a straight face while making that thread.

  15. Hi there. This is another one of my Triples schemes. I love playing around this one, since it gives sand teams hell. Zapdos @ Leftovers Trait: Lightningrod EVs: 248 HP / 228 SDef / 32 Spd Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Thunderbolt - Thunder Wave - Hidden Power [ice] - Roost Golduck (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Cloud Nine EVs: 236 HP / 180 Def / 92 SDef Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Soak - Calm Mind - Synchronoise - Hidden Power [Grass] Breloom (M) @ Toxic Orb Trait: Poison Heal EVs: 236 HP / 212 SDef / 60 Spd Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Bulk Up - Spore - Seed Bomb - Drain Punch So the basis of this is to use Golduck and have him make the other side soaking wet. *shot* When you've used Soak the opposing Pokemon become water type. Leaving room for Zapdos and Breloom to bring the pain. It's actually pretty fun. I threw in Synchronoise on Golduck, since it gets a boost when the opposing Pokemon are of the same type.
  16. Neo


    Banned because anything you can do I can do better.
  17. Neo


    Banned for not using pre-evo turtles!
  18. Neo


    Banned for having a spider and an alligator on a turtle team!
  19. I've used it before. I don't see why it wouldn't.
  20. I had Sucker Punch on Spinda. Where the fuck did that go?
  21. Okay so we all know about Contrary Serperior, right? Well, I wanted to do something with one of the lesser used/known Contrary users. Spinda (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Contrary EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Superpower - Return - Protect - Wish Xatu (M) @ Light Clay Trait: Magic Bounce EVs: 248 HP / 44 Def / 216 SDef Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk) - Light Screen - Reflect - FeatherDance - Tailwind This is a doubles scheme btw. So here's the premise. Xatu starts with at least one screen. Then he uses tailwind to get Spinda's speed going. From there use FeatherDance on Spinda. FeatherDance lowers attack by two stages. So with Contrary Spinda is getting a Swords Dance. It's important that you keep the screens up at all costs. Spinda is so frail that without them he's screwed. Anyway, have fun embarrassing people with Spinda.
  22. You're assuming that someone is gonna let you get to +3. By the time you set up Reflect, they know something is going down. Once they see the switch to Sceptile they're gonna want to stop it. Someone ain't gonna just let you boost.
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