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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Neo

  1. Until something like Scizor comes to ruin your day.
  2. Fail jimmy rustler fails.
  3. Welcome to Reborn. We have cookies and arsenic laced punch over on the table. soonwewillalljoinourlordnyu!!
  4. Shouldn'tyouhaveleftafter3days? Welcome to Reborn.
  5. Neo


    I like it. The only issue I have is that blaring Grass weakness. I can see something like Clefable (Or dare I say it; eviolite Clefairy) / Altaria coming into play with this strategy.
  6. Sweet. Gonna start posting a lot more then. 'Cept all the RMTs will look like Hark's journal from now on.
  7. If I can relearn everything, then count me in. Now while we're on the subject of card games. What about teh Pokemanz TCG? Is there a way we can actually have a tournament for this if we are interested?
  8. I have several. Not sure which I feel like showing.
  9. Neo


    Welcome to Reborn. Ignore Phazer. His cockiness will be his downfall.
  10. Is that all you ever say about the teams? Start actually commenting about them, or don't post at all. Conor, have you tried U-Turn on Scizor? Seeing as how you said the team revolves around switching, it'd probably do you best. If you're not too worried about being walled by steels, I'd go with the Fake Out/Last Resort Ampipom.
  11. Yeah forgot to change dat. and I know. It just makes me wonder why it wouldn't catch on. It seems pretty deadly.
  12. Hai. Me here again with something else I thought of. I'm surprised that I haven't seen this before. Seeing how cheap everyone likes to be this Gen. So here goes my newest doubles idea. Genesect @ Occa Berry Trait: Download EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Simple Beam - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam - Flamethrower Gorebyss (F) @ White Herb Trait: Hydration EVs: 248 HP / 228 SDef / 32 Spd Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Baton Pass - Substitute - Shell Smash - Surf So here's the gist of it. You use Simple Beam on Gorebyss, then sub up. Then Smash but something special will happen. All of your stat boosts will have been doubled. That's right. You can thank Simple for that. Then Pass to the Sweeper of your choosing. Dragonite (F) @ Lum Berry Trait: Multiscale EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Dragon Dance - Outrage - ExtremeSpeed - Fire Punch I chose Dnite as an example.
  13. I see your Bronzong fine...
  14. Remember that Podcast that fell through? Well, I finally have the means of doing it. Anybody in?

    1. Amethyst


      Incidentally, I figured out how to do the radio, too...

    2. Neo


      Then we have a happy coincidence here.

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I say update the respective threads or make a new one about it and see who wants in?

  15. Neo

    Dark Spell

    A singles team from dodrio? WHAT IS THIS Have you tried any anti-hax measures? (Guys, Dodrio isn't exactly known for making full RMTS. They're usually just random teams and strategies that he's come up with. Give him a break.)
  16. Welcome to Reborn. If you need anything artsy done, then you should check out my shop.
  17. Makin' a team around Tentacruel.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aero


      rain stall :3

    3. Maelstrom


      Triple team it with jellicent and Ikaru for moar tentacles.

    4. Bullet


      Dun forget teh Octillery!

  18. Seeing as I would only use Shelmet in the rain, Breloom is no problem.
  19. Hey Ame. What are the dimensions for the Profile Customization area? I wanna make some changes,

    1. Cloud


      There's this cool thing.

      It's called Private Message.

      It's cool.

    2. Amethyst


      Horizontally it depends on the viewer's resolution. Vertically, it looks like... 47px. And PM is for personal questions; this information can pertain to anyone.

  20. Without Espeon, Taunt completely fucks you over. Otherwise, I like it. Props for using Maractus.
  21. Yup. That's why I'm editing it as we speak. It's gonna be a whole lot different when I'm done.
  22. No idea. That might be a good idea to try. This is only one leg of my next thread. "Attack of the Robot Chansey" strategy. Chansey might be changed with another bulky normal type. Who knows.
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